Im sorry...

807 20 16

Warning, rape suicide abuse murder and more...


With your new decorated house, which you loved!!

You started spoiling beetlejuice for the favor. You felt bad that he wouldn't let you pay him or anything like that, so you started doing small favors for him without him noticing.

Right now you were in your room listening to one of your favorite songs, Time by NF

"Hey Y/N what are ya doing?" Bj asked

"Listening to some music. Why do you ask?" You say while ignoring that he used your real name...

"Just wondering" he responded

"Can I ask you something?" Bj said

"Uh yeah sure? What" you said in confusion

"Well, were your parents?" He asked nervously

Why did he have to bring them up, should I tell now. I dont know If he could accept me for me if I told him now...

"Uh...heh, well ya know...their just the stereotypical white parents, loving, s-stict, a-and k-k- kind." You said tearing up...

"What's wrong!? Are you okay!? Did I say something!!?" He panicked

"Nothing, okay!" You snapped at him

He backed up looking sad "o-oh, sorry...I'll leave than"


You ran up to him catching him off guard.

"NO, I'm sorry...I'm sorry....just dont leave" you begged him

He turned around and gave you a glare.

"IF YOU DIDNT WANT ME HERE YOU COULDVE JUST TOLD ME!" He yells kicking in your memories


You sat their, tears streaming down your face listening to your mother yell at you for disobeying your father. All you wanted was to eat today...

But no, what your mother didnt know, was that your dad rapes you, and says if you ever disobeyed him..he will kill mom...

After her screaming she hit you, that was the first time she EVER hit you. That was dads job...

You were scared and alone in your room, you heard the door open with the wiff smell of alchohol coming into your room. It was your dad...
He also started yelling at you, but that was soon cut short when a lightbulb went into your dads head.

He grabbed you by the hair and slammed you onto the floor sent you passing out. You woke up naked chained to your bed. You tried to move but than you saw your dad, he pulled his pants down and started to thrust into you. You tried to kick and get away, you were In pain. When he started to stop, or so you thought, he picked up was a gift, with nice wrapping paper. He unchained you and got you dressed, forcefully...

He pointed at the gift signaling to open it. You opened it and noticed it was hairy, you lifted it up and saw a face you threw it off of you. You screamed while it rolled onto the floor revealing your mother's chopped off head. While rolling your dad laughed his head off and slit his throat smiling at you saying

"I'm coming for you"

(Memory over, I'm so sorry if you didnt like that. I have a thing for this type of weird shit, if its that bad I'll replace it. Let me know)

"DONT HURT ME" You yelled as you covered yourself with your arms

"W-what, babes...I would really think I would better yet, COULD hurt you? Is that what you think of me.....I would never..." he said stunned of your actions

"Y/n...did your parents...hurt you?" He asked in a soft tone

All you could do was nod

"Oh jeeze...I'm so sorry" he said while hugging you and stroking your back

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked

"N-not now...sorry" you say shakily

"That's okay, let's get some rest" he said



And also how am I doing with this story?!?!

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