What are you?

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You brush the figure off as your mind playing games and lie back down.

I really need to sleep...

You go to where the figure was standing and examined it

Eh, it was probably me

You still had a very worried concerned look on your face that screamed paranoid

You stay their until you feel the temperature change, then you feel a tap on your shoulder.

"Miss me?" A strange but familiar man said

When you turned around you started taking deep breaths with a scared look.

What the....wait I know him...I've seen him...mabey

"I-I I've...seen y-you before" i stuttered not caring

"Hell yeah you've seen me, wow...you've changed a lot y/n" he says looking at me up and down


"How...how...d-do....mmm" you try to get out but fail while fainting.

He catches you and you feel something very cold against your chest, he was carrying you and you were holding him scared to fall. He takes you to the worn down couch and stays their until you wake up with a deep breath and scaring the poor dude.

"Jeez babes, didn't have to fucking scare me like that!" He says

"Huh? Ah! My head" you said while having pain shot through your head

"You hit your head while you fainted, I mean I know I'm hot but still!" He says proudly

"What are you? A ghost?" You ask

"Well kinda, I'm a demon. And I could sure use a pal in this torn down ass house..." he says mad and sadly

"What about the maitlands?," You ask

"Too white for me!" He says
You laugh a bit while noticing you should be at work, but stop and realize you dont have a job anymore...

"Fuck, i should go look for jobs.."

"Now? But we just met!?" He says sadly

"Well I guess I could wait, so what's your name?" You ask

"Umm, I cant tell you" he says

"Why?" You asked

"Its just a thing and stuff, gotta pen and paper?" He asks nicely

You go upstairs looking for the needs

He's oddly nice for a demon....

You got the pen and paper but just decided to get your sketchbook and handed it to him

"Just use a blank piece please" you ask worriedly

"Yeah sure, you draw?" He asks while looking through the book.

"Just doodles" you respond with

"Pretty good, I like the skull one" he says pointing at the most detailed one.

"Thanks" you say

He writes his name down and hands the book to you

"Bettleju-" you were cut off

"Now wait, you can only say my name 3 times if you need help." He said calmly

"Uh, okay..." I say

"What do ya want to do at 4 in the morning babes?" He mentioned


"Oops, heh" the demon chuckles

"I'm actually not that tired but a bit cold...I new I should have gotten that heater" you say sadly

"Come here" he says with his arms wide open...

"I'll warm you up babes" I says playfully

"Bitch wtf, I just met 3 dead people in the span of 2 days....I think I'll pass" you explain

"Fine...follow me" he says in defeat

He takes you to your bedroom. He makes you sit on the floor in front of an empty wall staring at an outlet

"What are yo-" he stops you with a HUSH

"Here cover up" he hands you a blanket and poofs in thin air right next to you making you startled. With him popping next to you came a heater, not the lame ones either. You were in shock

"A- you can- Thank you thank you thank you!" You say very happy

"Ey, no problem. Now are we friends?" He asks

"Oh what the hell,BUT...there will be boundaries" you cut him off before he screams in joy.

"Man" he says beat

"First, dont sneak on me. Second, no touching private belongings. And third, please don't mess with the Maitlands." You tell him

"Fine, mabey, and ok!" He says

You hesitate but give him a hug while turning the heater up slowly

"What can I call you since I cant really say your name a lot?" You asked

"Small nicknames I guess? Here hit me with some babes" he said

Hmm, beetle juice.......bj? Juice? How about I combine the two and-

"BEEJ! I- sorry heh, I like beejor mabey bj, ooh how about Juice?" You say

"I like em, but dont call me juice."

"Okay, haha" you laugh

You two just sat and talked about anything that came to mind, he was a good listener but starred to much. You thought it was creepy, though your the creepy one for hanging out with a dead guy. Who is your friend, beat that

See what I did there???

Hehehehehehe, I really like this book so far. Any suggestions?? Should I introduce lydia? Or mabey gimmie some new character suggestions? Idk but I hope you like it and pls vote my few readers...

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