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After your kiss, uwu

You both went outside the room to see Nancy, she was asleep. Made since because it's 3 in the morning now. You decided to grab a knife from the kitchen.

"Babes? Ya good?" Beej said

"Oh yeah! Just give me a minute!" You said as you went in the room, you decided to just end your suffering....

And rip the tight as hell clothes off your body...

You guessed he got the wrong idea when he heard you struggle

"Y/N!? ARE YOU OKAY, WHAT'S WRO-" He stopped when he realized I was trying to rip off the shirt with the knife.

"Heh, little help?" You asked

You decided to let your Aunt and Uncle pick up Nancy and deal with her later. When you woke up you got a call that a relative, that you weren't familiar with...was in labor.

"HOLY SHIT! SAM IS PREGNANT?!" You realized what relative, your other..other aunt

"AH-mmmmm, what?" You accidentally woke Beetlejuice up having him scared to...death?

"My aunt is in labor!" You whisper shouted

"Nancy's mom?" He asked

"No the OTHER OTHER one" you explained

"Sam?" He said rubbing eyes

"Yeah!" U said

"Want me to take ya babes?" He asked

"Oh please do! But WAIT! Would they be able to see you?" You asked

"Only if you say my name three times~" he said with a smirk

"Ya know what? Okay!" You said

"Wait really!?" He pointed a dog tail and tagged it

"Awww, so cute! NO!" You yelled

"Why nooooot! You never do!" He whined like a sad puppy

"Oh that's very cute, too cute....UGH FINE!" You gave up

"Mmmmmmm, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" you sighed regreting that

"Ooohhhh it feels good!" Nothing changed but he teleported you and himself there.

"Thanks! Oh wow...you changed?" He morphed himself into a guy who looked, well ALIVE!

"Why did you?" He stopped you

"WERE IS YOUR SUIT!?" He stopped you again.

"I didn't want your family to worry or make you go to therapy or some white shit" he explained

"Ohhh, okay well...why did you make yourself slimmer?" You couldn't finish your sentence cause your Uncle yelled at you to come in and see the the new baby

"She was already born?" You asked sadly

"Yeah a day ago! We are just waiting for Sam to get out and see her! Everyone else saw her already, but we were worried since ya know. Your a little or used to be coo coo, we just wanted to be safe! We don't want another dead relative because of you huh?!" He said without a care.

"What? You know that wasn't my faul-" you were interrupted by a screaming baby held by Sam coming towards you.

"Wanna hold her?" She asked

"Oh um, sur-" you saw Your uncle Taz look at you fiercely with hate and fear.

"Ya know I dont think some people let death away, let's take Tax for instance. He thinks I was the cause for my mother and father's death? Well I think that's wrong and highly not supportive since you WERE my uncle, on my ABUSIVE CRAZY DAD. Mhm, I wish the best for the baby and hope he or she lives a happy life...with a non crazy dad!" You explained with a forceful smile.

"Y-y/n? Are you okay?" He asked changing himself back as you ran down the hall of the hospital

While slowing down you noticed a woman in black begging the staff to let her have a baby.

"Please! I can be the best mother! Just let me have a sperm donor!?" She asked

"Hey are you alright? What's the matter?" You asked her trying to calm her down

"They won't let me have a baby!" She said crying

"Why not?" You asked the staff

"Because we cannot give a sperm to a single parent" the nurse explained

"Okay, well what does she need to have a baby as a single mom?" You asked

"Well mabey she could have a sergeant mother?" The nurse explained

"Hey what's your name, I'm y/n?" You asked

Beetlejuice looked nervous and went to a vending machine or the bathroom?

"M-my name is Lydia" the woman answered with

Im so sorry this took long to post, and I'm sorry it's super short. But when was the last time or anytime the reader said Beetlejuice 3 times? Not sure either. I'll post a longer chapter this week later on!

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