You were gone

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"Hey babes, do you have an official job yet?" Beetlejuice asked

"Um, no...heh. Wanna help me find one?" You asked

"Well, you could babysit or work at that run down thrift store?" He suggests

"Oo, I have the perfect idea!" You say grabbing your sketchpad and sketching out a building

"Oo, I have the perfect idea!" You say grabbing your sketchpad and sketching out a building

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(Like this hehe)

"This could be my shop! The old pizza place!!" You say

"Eh, sure?" He says not ammused

"You could be a big help by helping me clean it uuuup~~~" you say hopefully

"What's in it for me?" He said smugly

"What are your options?" You ask

"Well, mabey for starters...I could be more friendly to you? Or I could at least hug you....or love you" he said that last part under his breath

(I feel so stupid writing this shit!)

"Mabey~" you reply

"Just not the second part hehe" you laugh

"Man! Come on babes? Just once?" He asks

"It isnt like the first time we've hugged, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything" you say

You gave him a tight but nice hug, he put his nose in the crook of your neck. And kissed your jawline...he began to move up with the tiny pecks and you started to get scared. Your dad popped into your head...

"Beetlejuice...stop...please" you start to cry

Than he kissed you, not your jaw or your

You were in shock but went along so he could stop sooner. He pulled away and was scared to death (see what I did?)

"I am so...sorry....I-I dont know what happened?" He apologized

You heard him apologize but turned around, you could only hear mumbling like when you were in that void.

You started to fiddle with your fingers and you started to cry. Without knowing your eyes changed and you were in the void again.

You turned around and saw no one and nothing

You were...alone...

Beetlejuice's pov

I didnt know what came over me, I didnt mean too...i gave out my apologies as soon as i stopped. Y/n turned around and did something to her hands, while doing so you could hear her soft sobs.

I tried to reach her shoulder but she turned around, eyes changed...but they were different...I dont know what...

And she wasn't looking at me, it was like I was gone...and Everything around her was too. She snapped out of it and hugged me till I fell on the floor

"W-what happened to you?" I asked

"You were left me...I was alone....again..."she whimpered

"I'm here now hush..shhhhh its okay" I stroked her hair

I ignored the fact I just violated her in a way. You just comforted her until she stopped crying.

"Wanna lay down babes?" I asked her

"Yeah...yeah" she said

A week passes since the incident, she dropped the shop idea and was still in need for a job. She started to walk dogs for easy money, the rent for the house wasn't that expensive since it was run down (not anymore) and haunted.

She has a part time job at a nearby cafe, and hates it. Her boss is an ass and her employees treat her like shit and let her do all the work. Shes been distant towards me lately and it's kinda scaring me. I just really hope shes alright...

Reader pov

I was closing up the cafe since no one else would...

Beetlejuice showed up when you turned around in an apron.

"Oh, it's just you" I say emotionless

"Just wanted to help, so how was work?" He asked

"Well,I had 12 stops and 2 scenes..." I responded with

Stops were when I doze off and have like a flashback or something, I used to have them at least 23 times a day, big skip from 18 to 12...

And scenes were when my eyes changed and I was in that void again...

No one ever saw my scenes somehow...

It was strange...


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