That One

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Beetlejuice looked around for a while messing with his tie while I talked to Lydia was it?

She explained how she was married to a man who promised they would have kids one day, 5 years passed and they tried and tried, nothing worked so they wanted a sperm donor. Until a few nights ago he screwed her over and left her and the hospital wouldn't let her be happy and have a baby... so yeah

(I'm so sorry I lost my writing touch?)

Me and Lydia swapped numbers so she won't be so lonely.

"Hey beej? Ya good?" You asked

"Y-yeah it's just she was um.." He stopped

"What?" You asked again

"She was that one" he winced waiting for your reaction

"That one, the one you tried to marry!?" You asked shocked

"Yeah, heh" he said awkwardly

"Oh welp, she probably won't even text me" you tried to comfort him

You walked up stairs and plopped on the couch while Beetlejuice floated over you playing with your hair, wich turned into rubbing your back for a while until you fell asleep.

You woke up in your bed next to Beetlejuice asleep. You tried to hug him but noticed he wasn't facing you and you hugged his back.

"Whaaaaaaaat" he groaned

"Wake uuuuuuuup" you mimiked him

" tired....just sleep some more" he said while suffocating you with blankets.

"AGH, I CAN'T BREATHE!!! STAHP PLEASE!" You yelled out while escaping the trap and went to the bathroom.

You decided on taking a bath, for some reason it was like twice your size. So it was like a mini pool.

After the tub was full you got in and slowly closed your eyes. You heard a knock on the door.

"What?" You ask

"Hello?" You got no answer

You huffed and got out and wrapped a towel around your body

Ew you thought

You opened the door and no one was there.


But I am so sorry, I've had major writers block and crap like that. Be free to ask questions and give ideas for later chapters PLEASE I BEG YOU TOO!!

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