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It was another day of hard work, your job paid you poorly but it was easy to handle...or it WOULD be if your co workers did something...but no...

Since most of your small paycheck was just going to rent you decided to find another job, not full time...mabey...

Beetlejuice helped out as much as he could after the...incident....but you tell him its YOUR job.

He started getting an attitude....its getting worse. He's like you but 2 times worse on your period...

Yesterday you wanted to finish a show, last episode too. And he got irritated and threw the remote!! Hes also been scaring you...aside the fact hes a demon...

He started being a bit physical too...
You know hes a total perv, but it's not that...its like hes trying to make you leave the house or something.

You decide to confront him about his changes...

"Hey beej? Heyyyy, I've been wanting to anything bothering you? Like uhhhh...are you okay, you've been acting strange lately." You said

"Strange? Me! Ima demon for crying out loud! Am I the only one who isnt aloud to change unlike you?" He asks in a stern voice

"Oh, I-im sorry beej...I didnt know that's how you felt" you apologized

"Why are you apologizing? I've been so mean to you! I almost broke your TV! And you dont care?! Ive been trying to aggravate you! Your too happy for me!" He says laughing a bit

"Heh, happy...yeah" you say sadly

He still doesnt know that I got a phone call saying my little cousin is coming over, shes your typical slut. A "sexy" virgin...

"What's wrong?"he asks

"Well, little cousin is coming over to visit for a few days to see me. And by that I mean she misses tormenting me. Shes a brat, shes like what 15 or 16, drinks, and is a slut." You explain

"Ohhhhh, Is she at least funny?" He asks

"I mean if you like seeing me be very upset with her than shes Hilarious!" You say sarcastically

"When is she co-" he was cut off by a knock on the door with an ewwww

"Shes herrrreee" you shrug

"Heyyyyy, Nancy? Hows it been?" You say with a forced smile

"Awww, you still have your baby cheeks!" She said pinching them so she could hurt me

"Ow, well why dont you come inside I guess?" You say while wincing

She was wearing a baby blue crop top with a laced slit down the middle, no bra as usual, and shorts that I'm pretty sure are just boy cut underwear. She had long dead straight blonde red hair, tiny butt, no breasts, and a shit ton of make up. Shes one of the girls that use anime as an aesthetic....ouch

"Uh huh. Who the fuck are you?" She asks looking at Beetlejuice

"Oh thats... uhh, my roommate! Heh, can I see you for a sec uhhh, rommie?" You ask bj

"Uhh, sure" he replies

You drag him into another room

"Okay, what do I call you? I cant say beetlejuice!" You ask

"Ugh, I knew this day would come...umm, ya know what just call me Bj? Heh." He said unsurely

"Ya know, I've been thinking...what's your real name?" You ask mischievously

"Beetlejuice, like I said!" He shouted

"Uh huh, okay Lawrence" you say quickly and run out to be with Nancy leaving Bj in shock

What he didnt know was that you could start to read lies, not minds...but you can sense the lie and the answer will pop into your head...would have been useful in school...

"So Nancy, what do you want to do?" You ask

"Mmm, first things first we HAVE to change your clothes! Here borrow some of mine!" She says with a nasty look

"Are you sure these will fit?" She slams the door of your room before you could say anymore

"I know your their" you say turning to Beetlejuice

"Your no fun since you got your "powers", and how did you know my name?" He asks

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" you smile while hugging him

"Now can you please get out so I can change" you say with a fake smile

"Sure!" He says

You started to take your shirt off, you knew you were wayyyyy more busty than miss flat. But you didnt want to deal with Nancy's annoying as hell voice.

Hold up, Beetlejuice wouldn't give up that easily

You turn around and see a smirking Beetlejuice waving his hand at me

"Really!?" You say covering up your face in embarrassment

You realized your breast looked a lot bigger in a crop top that's at leas 3 sizes down from yours

"Ah shit! Ugh....just trust me when I say I really don't want to wear this, and it's only because I don't want to hear Nancy's annoying voice nagging at me or you" you explain.

"Fine, but uh. I gotta say babes, you look pretty hot! Need help with the pants, seriously though?" He actually sounded convincing

"I dont know, you were just being pervy and now, oh what the hell. It would at least take me 10 ta 20 minutes to put em on" you said in defeat

"Heheheh, well than to put em on dont we need to take your pants off?" He said slyly

You changed your eyes and covered a blanket over him so he couldn't see you get changed, the pants were actually very stretchy but showed off your butt too much for comfort.

"Really! Babes! Not fairrrrr!" He whined

You kinda felt bad but than didnt at all...

You came up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck and swung him around

"I knowwww, but your not so sneaky anymore" you say

You stare at him for a while

Bjs pov

Why couldn't I stop staring at y/n? She was so pretty, not just her looks either. This...this feeling...its weird...kinda nervous and happy at the same time?

Readers pov.

I couldn't move, butterflies sworn around in my stomach. Do I like a dead guy?

I couldn't help but kiss him. It was a nice one too.

Bjs pov

She leaned in and so did I, we kissed. I loved it too, obviously i deepened the kiss. It wasn't like kissing any other girl, but an alive one, and y/n in fact.


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