"Glad to see you here Miss Swan"

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I watched as nurses and doctors ran back and forth rooms, I was covered in blood, and at this point I didn't know who's it was. I sat silently watching the tile floors tears running down my cheeks.

"Diana?" A gentle voice awoke me from my daydream, Andrea was holding a cup of coffee handing it to me.

"Andrea?" I asked my eyes swollen.

"I didn't expect to see you back so soon," She chuckled trying to light up the mood. "Andrea, how is Sebastian?" I asked my eyes watering again.

Andrea looked at me in the eyes and gazed down. I knew these weren't going to be good news. "Andea, how is Sebastian?" I harshly asked this time raising my voice. "He's in a critical condition, we are trying to stabilize him, so far he's being strong, but he's a lucky man if you ask me, the wound was right under his left lung, if it wouldv'e cut his lung... Well, they would've filled up with-" She stopped as she gulped loudly. "Thank you Andrea for letting me know," I managed to smile weakly as I sat down again and face the floor. I tapped my foot repeatedly. A woman with long curled brunette hair rushed down the halls clacking her heels, she dramatically stopped a random nurse in the hallway. "Nurse! I'm a relative of Sebastian Cartwright, how is he ma'm?!?" She desperately asked shaking the nurse with her shoulders. The nurse eyed her shocked. "We are trying to stabilize him for the moment, we will keep you updated ma'm but I need you to calm down," The nurse politely said as she shrugged the hands off her shoulders. The brunette sighed loudly as she turned her gaze at me, she eyes me head to toe with a digusted look and sat on the other side. I uncomfortably moved on my chair, I tried curling up in a ball as I closed my eyes.

"Diana? here, wear these," Andrea woke me up handing me some scrubs. "Thank you," I whispered. "You need to eat something dear, starving yourself won' t help Sebastian get better," She smiled as she pat my head. "Not hungry," I whimpered as I walked past her to the restroom to change. As I passed along the brunette she grabbed my wrist. "You know Sebastian?" She asked. I just nodded my head. "And you must be?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "I don't know, I'm just a close friend," I choked out and the thought that him and I have had sex and I can't even consider him my official boyfriend yet breaks my heart. "I'm Belle, his sister," She smiled.

It took me a couple blinks to realize I was standing staring at her. "I-I-m sorry, I didn't know he had a sister," I stuttered as I held out my hand for a shake. "I'm sorry for the appearance, I was with him when the attack happened," I said trying to chuckle but my smile fading away. "It's alright, the scrubs would look better," She smiled. I nervously laughed and went straight to the restroom to change.

I came out and the Belle was outside waiting for me with a tissue ready. "Let me clean up your makeup," She smiled as she started wiping the damp tissue under my eyes. "You must be Diana Swan huh?" She asked. "Sebastian talked to you about me?" I asked surprised. "Of course, he told me so much about you, I certainly didn't plan the first time meeting each other to be here and certainly not when my brother is in this condition." She sighed loudly. I awkwardly smiled as I walked to my seat. I tapped my foot repeatedly again. "Calm Diana, he's going to be fine, my brother is strong," She assured, I wish I could be that calm.

The doctor came out and we both stood up and walked to him. "How's my brother doctor?" Belle asked breathing loudly.

"We managed to keep him stable now, he will make it," The doctor said and I could just fall to my knees and cry of happiness.

"When are we allowed to see him?" I asked.

"Now is a good time, just be careful not to make him move," The doctor suggested.

When I walked in the room Sebastian looked peacefully sleeping on the side. He woke up from the sound of the door. "Sebastian?" I whispered tears again forming in my eyes.

"Glad to see you here Miss Swan," He sounded weak.

"Why wouldn't I be? I love you," I said.

"I love you too, if it wasn't for you Diana, I wouldn't be here," He smiled as he closed his eyes.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"When I was on the floor, I just followed your voice, that is what kept me strong Diana, you,"

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