Call Me

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I stared at her stunned. She sobbed in my arms, and I wanted to push her away feeling furious. I didn't move a muscle, I sat there with her ontop of me with tears in my eyes. Wait, why am I crying? She snuffled on my shoulder. She looked up at me with her blue puffy eyes.

"Are you mad?" She choked out making an ugly noise.

"Uhh, I don't know how I feel Emily," I said blocking the rest of the sentence.

"Stay away from him," She warned.

"I don't know Emily," I whispered and she sobbed uncontrollably again.

Minutes passed like hours not knowing what to say or what to do next. I just stared at her blankly as she sobbed. A loud thump came from the door, Emily started to shake her head.

"It's him!" She screamed as she sunk herself in the couch. I shushed her and walked to the door, I didn't mind looking through the hole so I opened it just enough for my face to show. Sebastian was tomato red looking at me furiously. He inhaled deeply and his face darkened.

"What are you doing here?" He asked his jaw clenching.

"Helping my co-worker," I said calmly. "What are you doing here?" I asked trying to sound confused.

"Get out of the way," He whispered as he clenched his hands.

"Not until you tell me what are you doing here," My voice sounded small.

"Diana, I'm not going to ask again, get-out-of-the-way," He said again trembling.

"No," I said with confidence and shut the door on his face and locked it. My hands were shaking and I felt fear go through my body.

"What did you just do?" Emily asked her bottom lip trembling.

"We can't show this man fear," I said to her as I sat on the couch again shaking my leg.

"LET ME IN DIANA!" Sebastian screamed as he thumped on the door.

I grew furious now and I walked to the door and slammed my hand on it.

"FUCK SEBASTIAN! STOP IT NOW!" I shrieked as I kept slamming my hands on the door. I grew tired and I turned around, my back against the door as I slid down, sobbing in between my knees. Emily sat next to me and hugged me.

"I have to leave," I sobbed.

Tears were dried on my cheek as I walked into my apartment, I know Sebastian is going to look for me in here, so I walked to my room ans started to pack my things. I have to leave this city. I slowly placed my shirts and my jeans in the luggage. I want to take a shower. I'm going to take a quick one. I walked to the restroom and turned on the faucet. Steam let off the water, and I peeked at myself, I was wearing a Calvin Klein black dress, and my Stilettos were Jimmy Choo's, when did this happen? I took the scissors, and cut the dress from bottom to top. I let the dress fall, and I stared at it and I took off the Jimmy Choo's and let them fall into the water. I grinned at myself. I took out the shoes from the bathtub and threw them on the floor. I made myself into the water and closed my eyes. This is peaceful. Sebastian's face played through my head. I shook my head in disagreement. 

I closed my eyes at took a deep breath. A loud noise came from outside and my blood chilled. I slowly got up from the bathtub and ran to the door and closed it gently, I put on a robe and turned off the light. I peeked over and saw my phone on the sink I was shaking and I could barely move. I clicked the talk button twice and Sebastian answered. 

"Hello? Are you ready to apologize," He asked.

"S-s-sebastian... There-s-s-s someone in my hou-s-s-e-e," My bottom lip quivered.

"Fuck! Are you okay Diana?- Nevermind about that, stay where you are, don't make a sound, I'll be there in less than five," He commanded and I could hear him shuffling around, doors opening and closing. "Stay on the line," He said. "Where's my car! Diana is in trouble!" He screamed and I'm guessing he was talking to Mr. Casceres. I was still shaking, this is one of my biggest fears. I heard my living room turning upside down, glass breaking and banging on the walls. Then, there was silence. "I think he left," I said and I tried going towards the door. "Don't you move from where you're at!" Sebastian yelled. "O-okay," I trembled. After a long minute a bang roared from the bathroom door, I crawled backwards against the sink. "He's trying to come in Sebastian," I choked about to pass out. "Can't this car go any faster!" Sebastian screamed. "We're almost there Diana, don't hang up!" He sounded desperate. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes waiting for the man to come in. He banged on the door again trying to open it. "Please hurry," My voice sounding small. "I'm here baby, I'm here! Go in there Robert!" He commanded. The banging stopped and I heard footsteps. I heard grunting from another man. I loung bang on the floor, and again footsteps. The knob moved, I stayed quiet. 

"Diana, it's me," Sebastian's sweet voice rang through my ears and I've never been so relieved. I ran to the door and opened it, and there he was Mr. Sebastian Cartwright standing before me, as my hero. I threw myself at him and he embraced me with a loud sigh. I sobbed in his chest. 

"I was so scared Sebastian," I sobbed. I looked up at him and a tear ran down his cheek.

"So the man cries," I smiled. He grinned and hugged me tighter. I wiped my tears off on his shirt. His cashmiere sweater. I felt safe. I looked up at him. This is the man I love, the man I want to stay with.

"Are you actually considering moving in this time?" His eyebrows raised as I brought in the last box.

"Yeah, why not?" I asked.

He chuckled and walked over to me and cupped my face. "What an honor," He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Don't think this saves you from the whole Emily situation," I said pushing him back smiling. "Damn, thought I got away with it," He chuckled.

After putting everything away in my home for the moment. I peeked over to the closet, and wondered what else is in there. I opened the closet and the door was there looking small and innocent, I pressed my finger on the lock hole.

"Want to play?" He asked walking in shirtless and only wearing his pants. "Uhh, not really," I coughed closing the closet.

"I'm glad I'm here Sebastian, it makes me feel safe," I sighed sitting next to him.

"With a man that has whips and floggers in his closet," He laughed at his dark humor, I didn't smile, I just stared.

"Too soon?" He asked getting up and putting on his button up shirt.

"A little," I giggled as I walked toward him and grabbed him a tie and wrapped it around his neck, I carefully made his tie, and he studied me with dark eyes. His hands went to my waist squeezing, and I flinched, I grabbed his wrists and took them off my waist.

"Not now," I sighed walking away. "Have it your way," He says as he kissed me and rushed out the door. I was alone again in his apartment. The doorbell went off and I rushed to the door, I answered it and it was Emily, looking furious.

"Why did you take him back?" She asked impatient for an answer.

"Emily, it's my choice," I answered angered.

"Don't be stupid Diana, he's going to hurt you," She sneered.

"Whatever happens to me is my business Emily, why are you so interested of what happens to me huh?" I asked crossing my arms my voice sounding as cold as ice. She looked away and her jaw clenched.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," She spat and walked out the door, I slammed the door and walked to the couch and threw myself at it, tears of anger swelled up my eyes.

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