chapter 13 •IN LUCK•

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Lucas did his best to cling to his crumbling faith of survival.

His whole body couldn't stand up, bruises were scattered all over his body and his muscles ached like never before. His legs spasmed painfully as he laid on the muddy ground, panting while clutching his chest. He was in pain, Yes, but he wouldn't stay still for recovery, not when a demon is lurking, looking down on his wounded state.

Lucas trembled badly, he wanted to run, scream for help but no voice came out, his throat was dry and it felt sandy. Thus, tears prickled his sight, it rolled down to his cheeks as the demon continued to hover over him.

'No.' Lucas prayed, 'please turn away.'

The demon's claws started to reach out for the man, but it jerked away as it was hit by a hidden assailant. Lucas turned his head away in disgust as blood gushed from the injured hand of the demon. Then another shot, an arrow, hitting the demon right on it's middle eye. The demon roared angrily as it staggered backwards and twitched then never to rise again.

The demon was dead, thank god. Lucas sighed, relieved but he couldn't relax when his injured ached again. He winced, feeling the indescribable pain throughout his body. He let out a silent whimper.

There was a thud, like someone jumping down from an elevation, it quickly approached Lucas.

Is it another threat?

The figure crouched down to take a look of Lucas's condition, the man could only gaze tiredly at his savior. His memory consisted of a mask for demons before his consciousness faded pitch black.


That event happened couple of years ago, yet Lucas could remember it so vividly as though it took place just yesterday.

Yuugo was another story.

As Lucas had tagged along with his savior who didn't have a name (refused to say). Lucas figured that the man was a lot younger than himself but spoke in a hoarse voice, at all times. Lucas did strange errands for the man, like giving a small sheet of papyrus to an owl and sending it away. Whenever Lucas asked about those, the man would only shake his head and say "Hard work will pay, be patient and see for yourself."

That didn't help at any rate.

Needless to say, the transactions continued to happen with Lucas sending the message to unknown receivers. He also learned to keep his curiosity at bay, the man was scary when angry and he still had a debt to pay.

One uneventful afternoon, the man was demanding, even desperate which made Lucas nervous. The duo traveled to a familiar route that Lucas had almost did not recognize but when they saw a lid as an entrance to an underground place, Lucas had his heart pounding loudly.

A huge explosion made the ground shake with its intensity. Lucas gasped and screamed.

With tears streaming from his eyes, the man beside him approached the scene, uncaring of the heat that invaded his sense of touch and the smoke that entered his nostrils.

Lucas hesitantly followed the man's trail, frown etched on his brows as he made his way. It wasn't a surprise when the duo reached the entrance, greeted by smoke. Nonetheless, the man threw a gas mask at Lucas and stepped onto the ladder leading downwards.

How did the man got a mas mask?

Lucas will never know, but shrugged because as usual, the man never fails to give him surprises once in awhile.

Lucas then climbed down the ladder, that was a risky thing to do, they could be deprived of oxygen anytime soon yet they couldn't care less.

Lucas did not need a map to navigate his way through the place, after all, B 06- 32 was once his home.

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