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My first day back. Again. I hate doing this.

As I walk onto campus everyone looks at me.

"She went missing again?"

"I heard she's a vampire now."

"Full tribrid."

I hear everyone say their share of things about me as I walk towards the front doors.

"Hope?" I hear that familiar voice. I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around.

"Eli?" I whisper as I see his face. He wraps his arms around me and doesn't let go.

"I was so worried." He says into my hair. I close my eyes as I try to hold my anger from being let out.

"I'm gonna kill that guy," Eli says as I back away from him.

"No. Don't," I say and Eli frowns at me.

"He was protecting me," I say as I turn back around and walk away.

"He's back! I will not let him near my children! He put my best friend to sleep! For a long time!" I hear Caroline cry out to Jo and Dr. Saltzman.

"Hope?" Jo says when she sees me.

"Hey," I say waving a little.

"You guys seem to be working everything out," I say as they all look at each other.

"We are trying." Dr. Saltzman says looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"Kai is staying at my house," I speak out of frustration.

"What?!" Jo and Caroline say at the same time.

I turn around and start walking away from them.

"Hope! He's dangerous!" Jo calls out to me as I keep walking. I cover my ears as I walk and keep my head down.

"You good?" Landon asks when I bump into him.

"Oh my god! Why are all of you running after me! Leave me alone!" I almost yell.

"Whoa. Sorry." He says backing away.

"No! I'm sorry... I just... I'm stressed." I say and he nods.

"I get it." He says rubbing my arm. I back away from his touch.

As I keep walking, Josie spots me.

"Hope!" She says trying to catch up to me. I keep my head down and continue to walk.

"Stop!" Josie yells and I clench my eyes shut as I come to a halt.

"He's back?" Josie asks as I turn around to look at her.

I try to look everywhere but here eyes but I can't.

"Yes," I say telling the truth.

Josie shutters as she takes a deep breath.

"I think we have a problem," Josie says and I frown.

"He's a good person! He's trying!" I say whispering to her. She frowns back at me and shakes her head.

"That's not what I'm talking about." She says as she takes my hand and leads me out to the woods.

"My magic. My attitude. Ever since you came to Mystic Falls, my magic has turned... dark?" Josie says as I listen.

"I think I know why. I have some weird connection with him. We all thought Lizzie was the crazy one. But I'm the one who hurts people." Josie says as she cries.

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