Professor Port's class and Dealing with Cardin

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(Y/N) pov

I am up bright and early so I can check on (H/N). So I get up get showered and changed into my school uniform, which is clearly too tight for me. I then make everyone coffee and leave it on the dorm desk. I then head to the paddock and (H/N) is sleeping soundly. I refill his water and hay pile. This wakes him up.

(Y/N): Good mornin' sleeping beauty.

I feed (H/N) and start to groom him. Then I look at my watch and decide to head to my first class of the day.

Weiss pov

I start to open my eyes and sit up and yawn. When all of a sudden

Ruby:"whistles"Good morning Team RWBY.

Weiss: What is the matter with you.

Yang: Decorating.

Weiss: What.

Blake: We still have to unpack *stuff falls out of suitcase*and clean.

I get cleaned up and dressed. As I come out of the bathroom I notice (Y/N) is not here. Then I see the tray with four coffee mugs on it. I smile and sip the coffee. *Mhm delicious* as I blush.

Yang: So, you like him huh.

I jump at Yang startling me and spill some coffee on my hand.

Weiss: YANG! Don't do that!

Yang:*chuckles* Ahh. You didn't deny it.

Ruby: Weiss has a crush.

My cheeks turn red as I think about. I didn't deny it that I had feelings for him but why. Ruby starts talking again.

Ruby: So we have a few classes together. One is at 9....

Weiss: Wait did you say 9..

Ruby: Uhhh..

Weiss: It's 8:55 you dunce.

(Y/N) pov

I wait patiently in Professor Ports classroom for my teammates. As the clock stikes 9 Team RWBY and Team JNPR finally arrive.

Port: Ah, so glad you could finally join us.

I thought this class was going to be about the different types of grimm and how to deal with them. But it was just Port retelling stories from his childhood. As I was getting bored and dozing off I feel a slip of paper under my arm.

Thank you for the coffee this morning. I really appreciate it.
- Weiss

I turn to Weiss and I smile and nod at her as she smiles back. Finally Port asks the students to help with a demonstration and Weiss's hand shoots up.

Port: Ms. Schnee go and change into your combat gear please.

I thought Weiss's demonstration was going ok. Until she started getting angry with Ruby trying to give her tips. Then she snaps at her and kills the grimm. After class ended Ruby tried talking to Weiss but she wasn't having any of it. Weiss storms off. I walk up to Ruby.

(Y/N): Let me try talking to her. You guys go ahead.

As the others head to the cafeteria. I look around for Weiss and find her alone on a bench.

(Y/N): Hey Weiss. May I sit with you.

She gestures for me to sit. I then listen to her talk about how she should have been made team leader and how Ruby isn't mature enough for this.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now