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     On a farm in Vale a young man is training hard in the fields with his noble horse, (H/N). Jousting, sword fighting, strength training, battle strategy studying, meditating nothing was to much for him he thought.

     (Y/N) gets a call on his scroll it's an unknown number but (Y/N) answers anyway.

(Y/N): Hello?

????: Mr. (L/N), I have a job i think you can help me with.

(Y/N): Where can we meet?

     (Y/N) arrives in the city of Vale with (H/N), both in full combat gear. (Y/N) recieved a message detailing the job he was given.

"Mr. (L/N) your mission is simple. There have been a string of dust shop robberies. The perps strike at night and are gone before the police show up. The strange thing is they are only taking the dust not the money. My sources say the store named 'From Dust Till Dawn'. Good luck."

"That is quite strange." (Y/N) thought to himself. "Why would the bad guys leave the money behind. There's something bigger in play."

     (Y/N) heads to the airport he leaves (H/N) as he thought riding a horse might tip off the robbers. (Y/N) still has some time before nightfall so he goes to the pilots just hanging out. He puts his hand on the pilots shoulder.

(Y/N): Watch my horse for me?

     Before the pilot can protest. (Y/N) gives him some lien for his time.

Pilot: Gladly.
As he smirks.

     (Y/N) walks through the city admiring the scenery, and checking out the various shops. As he walks he accidently bumps into someone. He lifts his helmet faceplate.

(Y/N): Oh my goodness I am so sorry. Are you Ok?

????: Watch where you're going you dunce.

(Y/N): I said I was sorry. Here let me help you up.

     As (Y/N) helps the girl up and helps with her suitcases, he notices how beautiful she is he hid his nervousness. Then he noticed that she is talking to him again.

????: Do have any idea how much damage you could've caused. Do you have any idea who I am.... Well.

(Y/N): Oh I am allowed to speak now. Okay, well judging by the really nice clothes you are wearing and looking at the symbol on you're suitcases I would suspect you are from the Schnee Dust Company.

????: Well for your information I am Weiss Schnee heiress the SDC.

(Y/N): Well again I am sorry for what happened. How about I get you a cup of coffee as repayment for my transgression.

     Weiss finally realizes that she is talking to someone who is trying to be nice and is sorry for what he did. As a result she realized how rude she was and decides to take him up on his offer.

Weiss: Alright, I accept you're offer and I know just the place for coffee.

(Y/N): Lead the way, ma'am."As he smiles"

     The pair head to a little cafe. (Y/N) gets a black coffee and no sugar or cream and Weiss orders a hot latte. (Y/N) pays for their coffee. The two sit at a table, (Y/N) sets his helmet on the table and they start chatting.

(Y/N): So if I may ask, what is an heiress from Atlas doing in a place like this?

Weiss: Well if you must know I will be attending Beacon Acadamy to become a huntress.

(Y/N): A truly noble profession, but why here, why not in Atlas.

     Weiss hesitates to answer, but as she looks at (Y/N)'s now concerned face she feels she can trust him.

Weiss: Well, its to get away from my dad's influence. Ever since he took over the company our family has operated in a, for lack of a better word, morale gray area.

     (Y/N) listens very intently and thinks about her explanation. She's being sincere and telling the truth.

Weiss: I am here to show everyone that not everyone in my family is like that.

(Y/N): I believe you are different from your family and because of that I believe you can do anything. All it takes from you is to believe in yourself.

     (Y/N) and Weiss continue talking until night fall. (Y/N) looks at his watch and decide to say goodbye and head to the dust shop.

(Y/N): Sorry to cut this short but I need to get going. I've got a job to do.

Weiss: Alright well it was nice talking to you. Good luck tonight.

(Y/N): Thank you. Have a good night Ms. Schnee. Hopefully we can see eachother again.

Weiss: Just call me Weiss.

(Y/N): Very well, Weiss.

     Weiss blushes as they both go they're seperate ways. Quickly she realizes she doesn't even know his name. She turns around to ask but he was already gone.

     (Y/N) reaches the shop and waits outside to see if the theives show up. After two hours of waiting and seeing people go in and out of the shop, a large group of men walk up the street towards the shop. (Y/N) could tell the men were armed and looking for trouble. He waits till the men go into the shop before he approaches. As (Y/N) walks up to the shop. One of the men flies through the window as well as a red blur of rose petals.

(A/N): Prologue finished and I am excited to keep working on this. Please leave your thoughts in the comments and thanks for reading.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now