Battle for the Village

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(Y/N) pov

As Coco lays down cover fire, the rest of the ground team rushes in to break through the Grimm and get to the village. An Ursa is about to kill a villager but I then rush in and slice the Ursa in two. Weiss then uses her glyphs to get the villager to saftey. As the ground team makes headway, a Beowolf leaps towards me. As I move (H/N) to defend myself, a bullet hits the grimm and kills it. I turn and see Ruby with her rifle, we nod at eachother.

Yang pov

Nora, Yatsuhashi, and I are in position and are killing Grimm left and right trying to slow their advance in the village. A Ursa goes for Nora, I shoot at it, and Nora smashes it with her hammer. Yatsuhashi slams his sword in to the ground knock as bunch of Grimm in the air, Nora and I shoot the Grimm as they fall. We continue fighting, but I know the battle is only begun, and I'm getting fired up.

Coco pov

I am firing at the Grimm from the bullhead as the pilot patrols the perimeter. I see some nevermore flying towards us.

Coco: Evasive maneuvers! Nevermore spotted us.

The pilot starts a highspeed chase. I then hear Ruby over my communcation earpiece.

Ruby: Coco, you got alot of strays sniffing your tail.

Coco: Trying to keep them off the streets.

Ruby: Well, Nevermores can't bank worth a damn. Try making a tight turn.

Pilot: Roger that.

The pilot keeps flying and then decides to turn tight. As he does I take a shot at them and take all three out.

Coco: Nice call, what else you got?

Ruby: Hmm. Well Yang is taking on a pack near the main gate.

Coco: And she didn't invite us.

(Y/N) pov

The plan is working so far, I see everyone fighting and pushing back the Grimm.

(Y/N): Blake, Ren, hows the rescue coming?

Blake: We're 80% done. Still need some more time.

(Y/N): Alright, please pick up the pace.
I don't know how much longer we can keep this up.

Blake: Just try.

(Y/N): Who do you think your talking to?

Just then I block an attack from an Ursa and kill it with a downward slash. As (H/N) spins around as I slash again, I see Sun being surrounded. I urge (H/N) forward and race to Sun.

(Y/N): SUN! Grab on!

Sun grabs my arm and I flip him behind me on the saddle.

Sun: Thanks for the save.

(Y/N): You were pulling your punches.

I launch Sun at some Grimm to help Jaune. I then use (W/N) to release a stream of fire from it aimed at several Grimm. Just then I get tackled from behind and knocked off (H/N).

Weiss pov

As I kill another beowolf, I turn to see (H/N) race past me with no rider. I turn back to see (Y/N) on the ground without his weapon. I try to reach him but I get cut off by three more beowolves.

Weiss: Ruby, there's too many of them!

Ruby: Blake where are we with the evacuation.

Blake: Everyone is out we are waiting for evac.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now