Field Trip

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(Y/N) pov

     Team RWBY are sitting in the dorm after listening to what happened last night. I approach Ruby and place a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Ruby, you did the very best you could. No one can fault you for that.

Ruby: I hope your right.

Yang: I'm sure everything will be alright... Oh, I know what will cheer you up.

Ruby: What's that?

Yang: Don't know, dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together.

Ruby: Oh, something from home!

     Ruby rushes to grab the pakage flailing her arms at it while Yang holds it in midair. Yang shakes it and something falls out of it, then the object bounces and reforms as a... CORGI!

Dog: barks

Everyone: WHOA!

Ruby: ZWEI!!

Blake: He sent a dog!?

Weiss: In the mail!

(Y/N): HOW!?

     Ruby plays and giggles at the dog as it licks her.

Yang: Oh, he does stuff like this all the time.

Blake: Your father or your dog?

     Blake had used me as a platform to hide on Ruby's, so now my ass is on the floor.

Weiss: You mean to tell me that this mangy.....drooling....mutt, is going to stay with us forever. Oh yes he is.

(Y/N): I was not expecting that.

Blake: Just keep him away from my belongings.

As the intercom turns on Zwei trys to get at Blake using my head to try and reach her.

Glynda: Would all first year students please report to the auditorium for mission briefing.

Weiss: Well we can't exactly leave him here.

     Yang then pulls out a note from the left over package.

Yang: Look here's a note...
Dear girls,
     I have to leave town for a while, so I am sending Zwei to you to take care of. Inside should be all the food he requires.
Love you both, Taiyang

     Yang then turn package upside down and cans of food fall out of it. HOW!

Weiss: What is he supposed to do with that?

     Yang shakes the package again and a can opener fell on Zwei's head.

(Y/N): Ok if we're being honest, if a dog can use a can opener then the human race is doomed.

Yang: Well that settles it. Come on girls, Zwei will be here when we get back.

     As everyone walks past Zweis and says goodbye, Blake jumps across the room to get to the door.

Weiss: Oh, I'm going to miss you so much we're going to be best friends.

(Y/N): Yay, more competition.

Timeskip Beacon auditorium

     As we head to join the rest of the students, Ozpin gives another boring ass speech. We then head to the mission board to look where we would like to go.

Blake: We'd need a mission in the southeast if we want to find the white fangs base.

Weiss: Lets check under 'Search and Destroy' missions.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now