Painting the Town Pt. 2

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(Y/N) pov CCT Tower

     Weiss, Ruby and I are heading to the tower, when all of a sudden I run into someone. I look down and see Penny, a friend the team made while we were looking for Blake.

Penny: Oh I am sorry.

(Y/N): No please, it was my fault. I was not watching where I was going.

Ruby: Penny, is that you?

Penny: Oh, um hi guys.

Ruby: Penny, where have you been? What happened to you that night on the docks?

Penny: Um, I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about. *Hiccup*

     As Penny starts to walk away Ruby tries to catch up to her. Leaving Weiss and I on our own.

(Y/N): And she left.

Weiss: Ugh, come on we can find evidence without her.

     Weiss and I head to the elevator and head up to the video call terminals. As we're heading up, Weiss takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. She has a slightly nervous look.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Weiss: I'm just glad that your here with me, I don't know if I could do this on my own.

(Y/N): I will always be there for you. Just say so, because I love you.

     I gently squeeze her hand and kiss her forehead. Weiss looks up and smiles at me, as the elevator dings and reaches the top. We walk towards the front desk and a hologram projects itself behind the desk.

Hologram: Hello, how may I help you today?

Weiss: I'd like to make a call to the Schnee Dust Company.

Hologram: Your call will be routed through terminal 3.

Weiss: Thank you.

(Y/N): Here we go.

     We head to the terminal to make the call.

Weiss: (Y/N), can you sit with me, cause I'm still nervous.

(Y/N): Sure thing, my little snowflake.

     Weiss blushes hard as we sit down. I try to stay off-screen while still being close to Weiss, as the call comes through.

HR Woman: Hello, welcome to-. Oh, Ms. Schnee what a nice surprise. Do you want me to patch you through to your father?

Weiss: No thank you, I actually need some files. I've compiled a small list of  items.

     Weiss sticks her scroll in the terminal port, so the HR woman can see what is required of her. As HR is looking at the list and she gets a quizzical look.

HR: This list contains some very sensitive documents.

Weiss: Then I will treat them with extreme care.

HR: Very well.*sends files to Weiss's scroll* Done, are you sure you don't want me to patch you to your father?

Weiss: I'm sure. Thank you for your assisstance.

HR: As you wish. Have a good day, Ms. Schnee.

     The call ends and the terminal turns off. Weiss leans back and sighs with her eyes closed. I then think of something funny to make her laugh. As Weiss gets up I then wrap my hands around her waist and a surprise visit from the tickle monster.

Weiss: Ahh! Ah (Y/N)*laughes* stop it *laughes* please!*laughes*

(Y/N): Hahaha, the tickle monster must feed! Haha!

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now