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Weiss pov

     Team RWBY, and Sun, frantically get (Y/N) to the hospital as he has lost alot of blood.

Timeskip Hospital

     We get there and immediatly (Y/N) is taken to the operating room. While we wait for any results in the waiting room I am sitting crying. Yang sits next to me and puts her arm around my shoulder.

Yang: (Y/N) is going to be okay, he's got the best reason.

     I hug her while I still cry, Ruby and Blake joined in the hug to reassure me. Just then Team JNPR and CFVY walk in.

Jaune: We got news that a big fight happened at the docks and Ozpin told was that you were here.

Coco: Where's (Y/N)?

     As I sit there in tears, Ruby and Blake explained everything, the robbery and how it was a setup, how Roman Torchwick and the White Fang are working together, and the Black Samurai and (Y/N)'s battle.

Velvet: You know when my grandmother passed away, it always helped me just to talk about her. Can you guys tell us what you like about (Y/N)?

Ruby: He gave the best hugs.

Blake: He always seemed to be there for you whenever you needed someone to lean on, whether you knew you needed it or not.

Yang: He never backed down from anything or anyone even if he knew he couldn't win.

Weiss: He loved his friends with all he had and then some.

Nora: He is so much stronger than any one of us.

Ren: He always put his problems on hold when someone was in need, even if it put his own life at risk.

Pyrrha: (Y/N) was truly a better person because he cared about what happened around him.

Jaune: He is the best friend anyone can ask for.

     We all sit there in silence for another hour, before a doctor walks into the waiting room. I get up and look at the doctor with bloodshot eyes from tears, and worried look on my face.

Dr.: (Y/N) is going to okay.

     Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and hugs go around.

Weiss: Can I see him now?

Dr.: He is asleep now, but yes you can see him.

     I walk into (Y/N)'s room and take a seat next to his bed. I take his hand in mine and I think about everything that had happened so far. The first time I met (Y/N) was him bumping into me and knocking me to ground, then him buying me coffee. He then saves me from those faunus bullies, and let me sleep next to him. As I sift through the memories tears of joy come to my eyes, I then feel a squeeze in my hand. I look at (Y/N) and he is smiling in his sleep. I smile at him, lean over and kiss him on his cheek. Everyone else walks in with a smile on their face as they see me and (Y/N) holding hands.

Yang: Ha! Called it!

Ruby: We weren't lying to you Jaune.

Jaune: It's fine, I guess. (Y/N) is pretty awesome.

Pyrrha: I personally like this pairing.

     Everyone walks in and converses for the next three hours till night falls and everyone goes back to Beacon. I decide to stay a little bit longer and talk to (Y/N).

Weiss: You're family would be proud of the man you are today, I know I am. I just wanted to say how lucky I was in meeting you that first day. You made me feel special like I was the only girl in the world. My heart races everytime you enter a room or your name is mentioned. I know you probably can't hear me right now but, I love you (Y/N), so much.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now