Epilouge (part 2)

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Weiss pov

It's been a month since the battle with Salem and I have been named the head of the SDC. Today I finally get to have some alone time and a date night with (Y/N). We are heading out to the best restruant in Atlas and (Y/N) even dressed in a tuxedo for the occasion. We arrive and (Y/N) helps me out of the car and we wrap arms and head inside. As soon as we enter there is slow music playing and candles lit and even a dance floor. A waiter takes us to our seats and (Y/N) gestures for me to sit, I sit and (Y/N) scoots me in.

Weiss: Thank you, dear.

(Y/N): Of course, my love.

We sit and choose what we want to drink, I then get a sneaking suspician (Y/N) is up to something. I decide to play along. As our drinks arrived the band started to play a familiar tune. As (Y/N) stands I start to smile and blush uncontrollably and my heart starts to race when he asks....

(Y/N): Ice Queen, may I have this dance?

Weiss: Why of course you may, beloved.

We take to the dance floor and just sway to the music. (Y/N) twirls me around a couple of times, on the third time round as I comeback I look at him and he is on one knee. I immediatly start tearing up and smile in pure joy, as he says...

(Y/N): Weiss Schnee, to think we have been dating for 6 years almost and boy has it been a wild ride. I can't remember a time when our love wasn't being tested and no matter how messy things got you stayed by my side. I made a promise to always stay by you and love you, and I want to take this a step further, so I ask you...

(Y/N) then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box. He opens it and there is a ring inside a silver band with three diamonds on it.

(Y/N): Will you marry me?

Weiss: YES!

I don't even think about it and jump into his arms nearly knocking him to the floor. We just sit there for a minute with me saying 'yes' over and over. I pull away and (Y/N) put the ring on my finger, I then kiss him deeply and passionatly. We just stand there staring at eachother, as we head back to finish dinner we start talking about wedding plans.

(Y/N) pov

I has been a long 6 months but this is it the wedding day is finally here. Weiss' father tried to ruin it of course, but I just gave him a knuckle sandwich across the jaw. I am currently in the dressing room wearing some ceramonial armor I had gotten for the occasion.

Ren is helping me fasten the chestplate, while Juane is making sure no one tries to sabatoge the wedding even when I told him it will be okay

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Ren is helping me fasten the chestplate, while Juane is making sure no one tries to sabatoge the wedding even when I told him it will be okay.

Ren: Are you nervous?

(Y/N): Does it show that bad.

Jaune: Come on dude, relax, you've got this. You have been waiting so long to get here.

(Y/N): Exactly, I don't want to screw this up. I want to make this day perfect for Weiss.

Ren: Weiss loves you for you. The fact that you are here is more than perfect for her.

(Y/N): Ren, aren't you supposed to be expecting a baby soon.

Ren: Yes, in four months, why.

(Y/N): How can you be so calm?

Ren: A ninja doesn't reveal his secrets.

Jaune: Well it's about that time guys.

(Y/N): Hey guys thanks for having my back today.

Jaune: Save the mushy stuff for Weiss.

Scene change Auditorium

I am standing by the altar waiting for the ceremony to start. My heart is beating faster as the music sounds and Weiss starts walking down the aisle. She is walking with Klein, family butler and the closest thing Weiss had to a dad, as they approach the altar Weiss gives Klein a hug. I reach out my hand and she takes it and we walk up to the pastor. I can see team RWBY starting to tear up and Yang can barely contain herself. The pastor asks for the rings and Weiss and I each reach for one. We put the rings on each others fingers and then grip eachothers hands tightly, as the Pastor finishes.

Pastor: Do you Weiss Schnee agree to love this man in sickness and in health, through prosperity or hardship, now and forever.

Weiss: I do.

Pastor: Do you (Y/N) (L/N), agree to love this woman in sickness and health, through prosperity and hardship, now and forever.

(Y/N): I do. Now and forever.

Pastor: Then by the authority vested in me by Oum. I declare this couple, husband and wife.

I pick up Weiss bridal style and we kiss with so much love and passion for a minute, while everyone cheered and clapped. We seperate, we walk down the aisle and to the after party. As everyone is laughing and having a good time, Weiss and I just stand in the middle of the dance floor looking lovingly into eachothers eyes. I kiss Weiss and tell her something I never get tired of saying.

(Y/N): I love you, Weiss.

Weiss: I love you too, (Y/N).

We were ready for whatever came at us next in this new chapter of our lives together. The knight and the princess.

(A/N): Aww isn't that nice... oh sorry lost in the story. There will be one more story part and then it will be finished so please give me ideas for new characters to base in the RWBY universe. As always leave your comments on this story and have a nice day. Peace out.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now