Something is Coming

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Weiss pov

It has been a few days since my sister arrived and met (Y/N). I am sitting with my team, after the doubles round, in the arena. Well most of us anyway, Ozpin told the team three days ago that (Y/N) has to leave to find  and retreive Excalibur. I insisted on going along but (Y/N) was adament about facing this final challenge alone. I was still pretty upset over it, but everyone understood his reasons, didn't mean I had to like it. Anyways my team and I are sitting together in the arena now and we are hyping Yang up for the singles round.

Ruby: You're going to be awesome sis!

Blake: Don't get too overconfident in there.

Weiss: Something (Y/N) tells us repeatedly. Wait for your opponent to make a mistake then strike hard.

Yang: Alright I got this team.

As the bell sounds Yang takes to the field. We find a place up in the stands and cheer Yang on.

Announcer: BATTLE BEGIN!

The crowd roars in excitment as Yang and Mercury throw down. Mercury goes on the offensive while Yang easily blocks and deflects his attacks. As the battle goes on, I look down into the rest of the audience and see a girl from an opposing team doing something on her scroll, which I found odd since she wasn't even watching the battle. I discreetly took out my scroll and used the video camera feature to see what she was doing. She looked like she was trying to manipulate a battle video, I looked closer and it was Yang and Mercury's fight that's going on right now. I continue recording as the battle goes on. Soon the bell sounds and I see what the woman does and she manipulates the final images to make it look like Yang attacked Metcury unsportsman like after the battle ended. I saved the video and rush to help Yang. I get to the field and Yang is already surrounded by Atlas soldiers. Two soldiers notice me and try to stop me.

Soldier 1: Miss stay back.

Soldier 2: This is a military matter.

Weiss: Soldiers stand down! I need to see General Ironwood directly. NOW!

Just then Ironwood appears and has a stern look, he and I are going to be having a long conversation.

Meanwhile somewhere in Vale

(Y/N) pov

I suddenly get a bad feeling about what's going on back at Beacon. I shrug it off as I arrive to the location on my map. I look at the mountain in front of me and look around for an opening the might lead me to the sword in the stone.

(Y/N): They never make this easy, do they bud.

(H/N): *Snorts*

I look at the map again to see if there are any landscape markers I can look for. All of a sudden (H/N) takes off nearly making me fall out of the saddle.

(Y/N): WOAH! What in the hell! Dag nab it (H/N) slow down! NOW!

(H/N) finally stops in front of some ancient ruins. I regain my composure and look around at where (H/N) has taken us.

(Y/N): Ok, just warn me next time please.

(H/N): *Whinnies mockingly*

I dismount and head inside the ruins and find some letters engraved on the wall I get my journal out to translate. The words translate to...

Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3

(Y/N): Oh boy, this is not going to be easy. I just need to believe.*sighs*

I make it to the first challege and I see a statue. As I approach the statue eye's light up and a voice is heard.

Statue: What can bring back the dead; make you cry, make you laugh, make you young; is born in an instant, yet lasts a liftime?

(Y/N): Riddles huh? Hmm... a Memory.

Statue: Some try to hide, some try to cheat; but time will show, we always will meet. Try as you might to guess my name.

(Y/N): Hmm..time will show...we will always meet...Death.

Statue: This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal; slays kings, ruins towns; and beats high mountains down.

(Y/N): Hmm...devours all things... grinds mountains down... *gasps* Time.

The statue's eyes darken and a stone slab opens a new path further into the ruins. I follow the path for a few minutes and see a new stone slab with letters, I quickly translate it to the second challenge, faith. I loom out in front of me and I see a chasm with no way across. I look at the engravings again and translate them to....

The Path of God
     Only in the leap from the lion's head, will he prove his worth.

(Y/N): That's impossible, nobody can jump this.

I then remember the theme, Faith, then I breath in and out hard. I close my eyes and take a step. To my surprise my foot lands on a bridge that I hadn't seen before. I then realize that the bridge itself is an optical illusion. I make my way across and make my way through the tunnel and reach the next area, which looks like an arena. I walk to the middle of the room, when all of a sudden a voice is heard.

????: You have made it through two challenges thus far, but the final challenge remains.

A old knight appears in front of me and draws his sword and shield.

Old knight: A Trial by Combat has been issued. Will thou fight or yield.

(Y/N): I accept thy challenge.

I ready my weapon and shield and prepare myself for the battle of my life. The final challenge commences.

(A/N): Will our hero be successful in this final challenge? What will happen to the rest of team RWBY? Find out next time.

Thanks again for reading thus far. As always leave your comments and thoughts and have a nice day. Peace out.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now