An Unexpected Event

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Today is a quiet day in the Heights Alliance dorms, the internships had just finished and those who were at the dorms were enjoying their lazy weekend waiting for the grades from their internship partners to come in and for school to start on Monday. The internships did not go swimmingly for a few students unfortunately, Izuku's internship with Sir Nighteye (All Might's former sidekick) had gone awry on his first patrol. He along with Mirio togata had encountered a young girl, the age of five, fleeing from a villain in a plague doctor's mask named Overhaul. Being in no position to help her at that moment they let Overhaul take her back to the facility which was later raided by the heroes. It would have gone off without a hitch were it not for Overhauls quirk creating a spike of concrete and impaling Nighteye in the stomach killing him. In a combined fit of rage, Deku and Le Million defeated overhaul whom later succumbed to the blood loss and substantial injuries the two heroes dealt on him. In the end one life was traded for another and the child whose name is Eri was rescued from her captors with all of them either being detained or vanquished.

Having had caused the death of a villain hung heavy on Izuku's shoulders feeling as if he had murdered the man, even if he was evil. His secret girlfriend Ochako Uraraka noticed this and has been trying to revive his mood by any means possible. Only after All Might had spoken with Izuku and even told him that he will be forced to take another villain's life one day did he get out of this guilt from what had happened. Bakugou out of all people had a newfound respect for Deku considering the fact that he actually had the guts to permanently put down a villain and has even voiced this respect on several occasions. As for little Eri? Or should I say Eri Midoriya she is in the care of UA and specifically under Izuku and Ochako due to a platonic relationship that had formed between the trio. Nezu the principle of UA had deemed it such as they would be her guardians until either she can be adopted by a hero or a new couple as well as if Izuku and Ochako decided to adopt her themselves. Everyone in the dorms was along with the idea especially when Eri accidentally called Izuku "Dad." when answering a request from him.

Now we find everyone sitting in the common room of the dorms with four of the members of class 1-A playing on the PS4 in the living room. Kaminari had brought his copy of Black Ops III and they were playing zombie mode with Kirishima, Bakugou and Sero on the other controllers. Izuku, Ochako, and Sato are in the kitchen preparing lunch for everyone as eri sat on a bar stool drinking from a sippy cup full of apple juice watching her 'Parents' cook and then turning to watch the Baku-squad play zombies on the massive TV. As she watches them mow down hordes of the undead with machine guns and their characters commenting and cursing at the undead Eri gets a little scared and jumps off the stool and runs over to Izuku clutching his shirt.

"Dad? I-I'm scared." she says tugging on Izuku's shirt a couple times getting his attention. Izuku turns around and looks to Eri before picking her up and sitting her on his hip.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Izuku asks as Eri points to the screen where the four are playing. "Guys! How many times do we have to tell you?! Wear the headsets so Eri doesn't see it!" Izuku shouts catching the attention of the four who instantly pause it and fumble around to get the VR headsets on so that the screen can be off and Eri not to see it.

"Take the brat in another room Deku! I like using these things when we have a big ass TV right here!" Bakugou argues earning himself a tomato thrown at 200kph beaming him in the face and knocking him off the couch. "Message received, next time it better be a vegetable I actually like." He says scraping the guts off the tomato from his face.

"Tomatoes are fruit bakugou not vegetables you idiot." Todoroki says as he slurps from his bowl of cold soba. This earns him a glare from the Nuclear pomeranian as he incinerates what is left of the tomato that he wiped off his face.

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