Effects on a Quirk, and A Surprise Visit

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After Izuku and Ochako leave the appointment with RG they make their way back to the dorms. Ochako had commented that she was feeling tired and didn't want to walk the half kilometer back to the dorms so Izuku ended up carrying her. They get back to the dorms and are immediately teased for Izuku carrying Ochako bridal style as they make their entrance. The thing that surprises the cinnamon roll couple the most is that Bakugou and Utsushimi are making out on the couch and really getting into it. Most of the others commonly disregard this and go about their morning. Tokoyami decides to use Darkshadow and snatches the two up before moving them to Bakugou's dorm so that they're out of sight.

"That was fast, what'd we miss?" Ochako asks as Izuku sits down on the couch with her in his lap and a hand protectively placed over her swollen belly.

"Those two were flirting then sitting in the chair together then tongue wrestling. So not much. What did RG say about Eri?" Todoroki answers as he slurps his cold soba noodles.

"She's healthy and her due date is near my birthday." Izuku answers before Ochako whispers something into his ear causing him to get up and head to the kitchen. As he does this, Kaminari and Kirishima grab the back of his shirt and pull him into a small three person huddle just out of sight from everyone.

"So, we know that since your girl is prego you are gonna be marrying her soon right?" Kaminari begins causing Izuku to turn to him with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah so we gotta know, when are you gonna pop the question and who's gonna be your best man? It has to be one of us right? Speaking of, is there going to be food?" Kirishima says as Izuku switches attention to him.

"Wait what? Marriage? Wedding? I haven't even thought about that!" Izuku says trying to keep in a hushed tone and keep from Ochako hearing him.

"Oh come on Mr. All Might's secret love child. You think of everything. And you're a horrible liar. You definitely have put some thought into this. Right?" Kaminari asks in a slightly concerned tone.

Izuku sighs deeply hearing that statement and waits to respond for a few moments. "Look, Kami Kiri, I have thought about how nice it would be to be married to Ochako when I'm a pro hero. I haven't decided to get a ring yet but I do want to marry her. This entire thing happened 2 days ago so I need time to get adjusted to being an expectant father. It all still feels like a dream right now even though I know it's real. And for crying out loud Stop calling me All Might's secret love child! His last name is Yagi! Mine is Midoriya! He's not my dad." Izuku defends as he stands up and dusts off his shirt. "Now if you'll excuse me Ochako wants me to make spicy apple mochi buns with tempura udon and onion rings. Her cravings have been a little strange but some of the foods taste quite good."

"So, now what?" Kirishima says turning to Kaminari and getting a shrug in return before heading back to the common room. There they see Momo with her hand on Ochako's belly feeling the tiny kicks from Eri.

"She is quite active isn't she." Momo says feeling the kicks from Eri as Ochako winces from a particularly hard one.

"Yeah, it feels like there's more than one in there with how often she kicks. Have you thought of being a mom when we graduate?" Ochako asks as she moves her shirt back down over her stomach.

"I have put some thought into it, I was babysitting for Kota recently and a few passersby mistook him for my son." Momo says with a chuckle to herself as she takes a sip from her earl gray tea. Ochako goes to reach for her mug of green tea with her right hand and as she places her hand on it, the coffee table collapses with a crunch surprising everyone. The most peculiar part is that the mug is unscathed.

"What happened?!" Momo asks seeing the shrapnel of the table and stares from everyone.

"I... I don't know, all I did was try to grab my tea and the table broke." Ochako says as Momo tries to lift the mug and struggles to even move it a centimeter.

"Sheesh, why is this so heavy all of a sudden?! It's like 100 kilos! All you did was touch it with your right hand right? Shouldn't it be lighter?" Momo asks as the others try to take turns lifting the tiny mug that weighs way more than it should.

"Recovery girl said that my quirk would be affected but she didn't prepare me for this! Lemme try removing its weight." Ochako replies before touching the mug with all five fingers causing it to become weightless.

"That was weird, maybe it has to do with which hand now. From the looks of what had happened, it seems you can increase the weight of the object with one hand and take it away with the other." Todoroki says as he and Kirishima start collecting the scraps of wood and taking them outside to be burned.

"Well that was one way to start a morning, heres your food Ochako." Izuku says handing her the plate of food before walking off to get a new table for the common room. "Hey Ochako? How much do you think that mug weighed for it to crush the table like that? The mug weighs less than a kilo."

"I don't know, Yaomomo said it weight like 100kgs what are you thinking?" She responds before digging into the mochi and humming in delight of the taste.

"I think you caused the weight to become 100 times earth's gravity." Izuku answers as he watches Todoroki incinerate the table from the window.

"Maybe but for it to crush a wooden table like it did it had to weigh way more than 100kilos could have been a thousand if you ask me." Sato says as he walks to the kitchen and starts cooking lunch for everyone in the dorms. "I'm making lunch, any requests?"

"No seafood, it makes me feel sick." Ochako answers as her face turns a bit green for a moment.

The rest of the day is spent eating talking and doing all sorts of things in the common area. Bakugou and Camie eventually come back down stairs with their hair all sorts of messed up. Upon seeing what's left of the shrapnel of the table he perks an eyebrow wondering what it was about. Deku quickly explains what had happened. Ochako and the girls have their mid morning gab session about what it's like to be pregnant and how strange her food cravings are getting and how often she needs to use the restroom. All is going smoothly until Aizawa and All Might arrive at the front door of the dorms.

"Problem child and Pregnant problem child?" Aizawa says as he cracks his head through the door of the dorm room. Everyone turns to face him with inquisitive expressions on their faces.

"Yes?" The two reply in unison as they turn to face him.

"We have an even bigger problem that you two may need to address and Small Might you might want to stick close with All Might for what is about to happen." Aizawa says as Izuku gets up from the couch and walks over to Aizawa with a raised eyebrow.

"Um... can I ask why?" Izuku says as Aizawa tips his head to the side slightly revealing a tall brown haired man and a woman that looks similar to Ochako.

Seeing this Izuku's eyes shrink to a fraction of their size and he feels the icy cold feeling of terror, wash over his body. In a moment of impulsive reaction, time seems to slow down as these events take place. Before Aizawa can say anything else he is met with Izuku's hand pushing him out the door and into All Might who was 10 meters away. He slams the door so hard is cracks the wooden frame as Izuku whips around. The others see the expression of terror in his eyes as he vanishes from view. In his place is a dust cloud in the shape of Izuku and now Ochako is no longer in sight having been picked up and hauled off by the secret love child of All Might. The others look on in shock of what happened, a few moments later All Might attempts to open the door and the entire thing comes off the wall with the frame still attached. In behind him is Mister and Misses Uraraka standing there having come back early to pay a surprise visit to their daughter.

And Unfortunately for Izuku, they have No idea that she is even in a relationship or is expecting the rebirth of Eri.

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