Grandma Midoriya and Surprise from Class 1-A

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Shortly after Izuku finishes plating the food he had prepared for Ochako and himself, His father walks in the door. Toshinori sees Izuku handing Ochako a plate of food as he sits across from her at the dining room table. He raises an eyebrow to Izuku getting a point in response to the couch where his mother is still out cold. Toshinori simply sighs before walking to the kitchen and collecting his plate of food that Izuku had prepared for him.

"Judging by the fact that she is unconscious on the couch, I say she didn't take it very well." Toshinori says as he starts to eat the Katsudon that Izuku had prepared. "I'm impressed, this tastes almost exactly like Inko's cooking. So when is she going to get up?"

"No idea, but she did manage to stay conscious for all of ten seconds before passing out. At least we don't have to worry about her having a heart attack." Izuku responds, Ochako continues to wolf down her food in seconds flat and by the time that Izuku has gotten the second spoonful to his mouth she was done.

"Done! Do we have any more?" She asks putting the bowl down, both Izuku and Toshinori stare at her in disbelief.

"How did you... that was 12 seconds flat and you cleaned the bowl." Izuku says being the first one to break the silence. "Yeah there's some more but you ate so fast it can put Luffy to shame." Izuku says as he takes Ochako's bowl and gets her another serving and another mochi bun.

"OH MY GOD I'M A GRANDMA!!!" Inko shouts as she shoots up from the couch now completely awake and alert.

"How long was she out?"

"30 minutes."

"Longer than usual."

"How are you two so nonchalant about her fainting?!" Ochako asks the two as they just turn from looking at Inko to now Ochako.

"She faints a lot Ochako, usually she's out for around 5 minutes this was 6 times that." Izuku answers as he and his father get up from the table and go over to Inko who is staring in disbelief at Ochako's pregnant belly.

"So before you freak out... let us explain what happened." Toshinori says trying to keep his wife calm.

"Last night, Eri had a nightmare and had lost control of her quirk. It activated on herself and rewound herself to a point before her birth. Because of this she was transported into the closest habitable womb which was Ochako's. You saw her yesterday so you know that she wasn't pregnant and that we didn't... y'know." Izuku says as Ochako walks over to the trio and sits next to them on the couch.

"I- w-what? H-how did." she stammers out before taking a deep breath and sighing loudly. "Ok, I think I understand, but what are you going to do? Having a baby is extremely expensive and time consuming. Even if this child isn't your biologically you need to take care of Ochako." Inko says after regaining her composure and speaking in a serious tone.

"I wouldn't leave Ochako's side even if she was a villain. This changes nothing and I still and will always love her. Now with Eri coming along I have even more devotion to becoming a hero. Now to make the world safer for her and our daughter." Izuku says as he wraps his arm around Ochako's side and kisses the side of her head.

"Are you saying that you will marry her?" his mother asks causing Ochako's face to turn red.

"I already said that she was my wife today when someone from 1-B insulted her. Let's just say that that person is now in an intimate relationship with the floor and leave it at that. The answer is yes, I will." Izuku answers as Ochako whispers his name in shock under her breath upon hearing this.

"Well, Nezu called the staff into a meeting and explained what had happened with Eri. During the meeting he had said that everything that they will need to provide for the newborn will be provided and they will also be given a letter of credit allowing them to purchase anything they may want or need for the baby. Since Eri is, well was, under the protection of UA since she is now being carried by our son's girlfriend, that makes this their responsibility to provide anything and everything that may be needed or desired. As we speak Nezu is having Cementoss combine your dorms into one and adding a nursery for Eri. Young Uraraka, you have an appointment with RG for an ultrasound that Izuku will also be present for." Toshinori explains getting the two to nod in understanding. "This is for you." He says as he pulls a red white and blue card with the UA logo on the front of it out of his wallet before handing Izuku the card.

"Thank you Mr. All Might." Ochako says with Izuku also saying thank you after pocketing the card

"So, this begs another question. How are you going to tell Ochako's parents?" Inko asks causing the color to drain from Izuku's face. "Well I guess that answers that question, you have no idea. Well let's not focus on that right now, I just found out I'm gonna be getting a grandbaby and Izuku is going to be marrying Ochako! I need my camera! Ochako? Do you wanna see Izuku's baby pictures?" Inko asks quickly changing subjects.

"Yes! Izuku! We're gonna take a million pictures of Eri when she is born!" Ochako exclaims as Inko fetches the photo album before showing Ochako pictures of Izuku when he was a baby.

	Most of the day was spent embarrassing Izuku by going through stories upon stories of what he was like as a baby and a young toddler

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Most of the day was spent embarrassing Izuku by going through stories upon stories of what he was like as a baby and a young toddler. After all of Izuku's embarrassment and the family gushing over the newest edition on the way, the four eat dinner prepared by Izuku and his mother. At the end of the evening Izuku said goodnight to his parents and helped Ochako out of her chair as the two left to head back to UA before curfew. Along the way back, the two walked hand in hand through the town of Mustafu and commented about the stores selling baby products and what they should get for their little girl. Izuku brought up the upcoming doctors visit and said that it would be best to go to the appointment with RG after they went baby shopping in a couple days. As they get to the train station, Izuku makes a mental note of a nearby jewelry store advertising pink diamonds before they board the train back to UA. Upon getting back they notice that most of their friends are nowhere to be found when it came to the lower floors of the dorms.

"Where is everyone? Usually they're around at this time, it's only 8:30 curfew is in a half an hour so they should be here." Izuku mutters to himself, Ochako on the other hand notices a note on the coffee table and picks it up.

"Don't know, but they left us a note." She answers as she unfolds it. "It reads, Dear Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya, I have managed to convince everyone in our class to take part in designing the nursery that Cementoss has built in your now combined dorm room. I even managed to convince Bakugou which was hard to do, on top of that we have some good news from Aizawa we have a couple new students and a transfer to 1-A joining next week. Mineta had gotten suspended from the hero course and is now in disciplinary gen ed (Sadly he wasn't expelled yet) because he was caught with a camera in the ladies locker room... again. So, Hitoshi Shinso from the sports festival, the one mind controlling quirk Aizawa secret love child looking guy, (That's a quote from Todoroki) and Camie Utsushimi from Shinketsu in the north have joined our class and have been brought up to speed on what happened with Eri. Lastly before you come find us, remember that finals are in a couple weeks and Mrs. Midoriya Ochako is exempt from the practical portion of the exam. Sincerely Mina, PS we're in your room finishing the nursery." Ochako reads off before handing the note to Izuku who does a once over seeing as Ochako had already read it.

"Well, that answers that question, come on! Let's go see it!" Izuku says suddenly getting ecstatic about the nursery.

With that, the expecting couple make their way to the elevators and take it to the top floor. Once there they make their way to their new room with the name plate now reading "Izuku, and Ochako Midoriya" Which causes the two to blush profusely upon seeing it. The two open the door to their room and find that it has all of their belongings from both of their old dorms now neatly placed in their new room. Across from them and closest to Izuku's side of the bed (The one with all the All Might merch) is a door that reads "Eri Midoriya." on a new name plate that matches the colors of Ochako's her costume with the green "Ears" of Izuku's own. As the two open the door the entire class shouts "SURPRISE!!!" as Izuku and Ochako walk inside. 

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