The Final Month

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The final month, the home stretch and for Ochako this was both a relief and something to dread. Her body has started to go through random contractions preparing her for the birth of her daughter. Because of this she has been given a release from her classes under maternity leave. In tandem with her, due to the fact that Izuku is the named father he as well has been given a reprieve from classes but still trains when he is able to. All the members of the class have been doing their best to help the two in the days leading up to the second arrival of Eri. On top of this, the massive change in hormones has led Ochako to gain a bit of weight due to the baby and pregnancy acne. Izuku constantly reassures her that it is all normal and helps her with facial care and washing her since her stomach inhibits her from reaching parts of her body to clean. Both her mother and Izuku's have been giving her tips of what to do to alleviate some of the pain on her back and feet but Izuku has always been there for her when she needs it.

It is a quiet morning in the dorms, the class has already gone off to their classes for the day. Ochako is lounging on the couch with Izuku taking his time in cleaning the dorms which is also dubbling as a workout. He vacuums about the common room lifting up the furniture and cleaning underneath. Once done with this he winds the cord back up around the vacuum cleaner before putting it back in the utility closet and taking a seat next to his expectant wife. They have yet to have the main reception for their wedding but they had signed the legal paperwork naming her as such. With a simple look at Izuku he instantly knows that her back is sore due to the weight of her stomach, he stands and walks to her side of the couch before lifting her up and setting her down in his lap. From there he begins to massage her back with her leaning her head onto him as he works out the knots in her aching back. From there he switches to her chest which has been aching from the overproduction of milk he grabs a hand held breast pump before attaching it to her and massaging her there as well.

"Zuzu? Do you think I'll be a good mother?" Ochako asks as Izuku takes the pump off her and throws away the contents seeing as it won't be needed for a few weeks.

"Of course, you were a good mother to Eri before she rewound herself and you'll be a great mother once she is born." He says washing out the bottle then placing it on the drying rack in the kitchen. "Are you hungry? It's about lunch time now."

"Yes actually but nothing spicy today. Can you make me a pizza?" She asks, causing Izuku to arch an eyebrow.

"What kind? I might have to call Lunch Rush because we don't have any yeast for the doe here." He says looking through some of the cabinets for ingredients.

"Bacon, sausage, feta cheese and mozzarella, stuffed pretzel crust mustard on the side and some pineapple pieces on the side. Plus mozzarella stick, fries and one of those special cakes that has melted chocolate in the middle. Then whatever you want to eat too." She says before giving him an adorable smile.

"Oh, I was under the impression we would share it, nevermind, how big do you want the pizza?"

"Izuku I'm pregnant, I'm not sharing my food unless I don't finish it. I want a biiig pizza. Like really big pizza. One that fatgum would be impressed about the size. And some green tea. Specifically the green tea that you make since no one else can do it right." She adds.

"The tea I can do, i'm going to call Lunch Rush and have him make it then I'll head over there and get it from him." Izuku replies before beginning to brew the green tea for the two of them to enjoy. After the phone call with lunch rush Izuku sits in front of Ochako before taking off his shirt and starting his workout routine to pass the time. He goes through 1,000 sit ups, squats and even does 1,000 push-ups with Ochako sitting on his back reading a book.

With lunch rush dropping off their lunch they continue their lazy afternoon with Ochako wolfing down a 24inch diameter pizza in mere minutes. After which Ochako motions for Izuku to pick her up and take her to go shower. After turning on the warm water he sets her in the bath before joining in. she turns away from him allowing for him to wash her back and hair. He rinses off the soap before grabbing some facial cleanser and washing her face helping get rid of any annoying pimples along the way. The level of devotion Izuku has to her is rivaled by none, he doesn't feel like he is being used even though Ochako says that she feels like she is using him. Each time she is reassured that he is doing this for her and their daughter and there is nothing wrong with asking him to do things for her. Through all of her self doubts Izuku has been by her side the entire time, no matter the mood swings or the weird cravings and requests, and even the morning sickness when this began, he was there.

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