Broken Water

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The final weeks leading up to the rebirth of Eri were hellish for everyone in the dorms. Ochako's mood swings were out of control going from content and relaxed to literally bringing the heavens down in less than a nanosecond. Izuku was doing all he could for Ochako, with the help of the other classmates he was managing to keep her tempers under wraps for the most part. Granted it was difficult with Bakugou getting on her nerves as well as Mineta. In three weeks those two had managed to almost get killed by Ochako almost 30 times. Needless to say there is now an unwritten rule to keep anything that can easily become a projectile away from Ochako especially when Bakugou, Mineta or Monoma were nearby. One such particular time, Ochako had a headache and had specifically told the others to be quiet. Well Bakugou sneezed which caused Ochako to flip her lid. Everything not tied down quickly became airborne and was then thrown by a very angry Ochako. Nezu has had quite the bill to pay for the several times he has had to reconstruct the dorms.

As to keep his wife from completely destroying the place, Izuku had convinced her to stay in bed for the remaining days of her pregnancy. She wasn't exactly happy about being confined to their room for the next few days or so, but after 'Convincing' Nezu to install a food elevator into the room she was content. Familiarity breeds contempt however and she was getting very annoyed with how overprotective Izuku had been. She was thankful for how much of a doting husband he is but she was a capable, albeit pregnant, woman. This led her to accidentally lash out at Izuku but he understood he was being slightly overbearing. Today however is Izuku's birthday and the day that Eri is supposed to be born. Everyone is doing what they can in preparation for Ochako's water to break and Izuku's secret birthday party. Today was strange for Ochako, she hasn't been getting any contractions all morning so far and Eri seemingly has been asleep for most of the night.

"Izuku! Izuku! Can you help me up!" Ochako asks from the bed with her hands over her large pregnant belly. Izuku pokes his head back from the bathroom while still brushing his teeth and gives an affirmative noise before spitting the toothpaste into the sink and rinsing his mouth out. "Today is the big day, Eri can be born at any second now." She says in a light and happy tone as Izuku helps her out of the bed.

"Yes it is! I get to share my birthday with our baby girl too! You need to use the bathroom this morning or are you hungry." Izuku asks as he gets her to her feet.

"Bathroom then food." She replies with Izuku walking her to the bathroom. After a similar routine she exits the room with bed head on the side of her face giving izuku a smile before showing him she got the brush stuck in her hair. He chuckles a bit before helping her brush her hair.

Izuku heads to the kitchen and begins cooking breakfast for himself and for her, the others in the class have been curiously absent this morning in the dorms despite having the summer off for the most part. Despite this he prepares a simple Omurice breakfast for himself and for Ochako before placing it in the little dumbwaiter beside the kitchen and sending it to their room. He makes sure he grabs some of the mochi he had made a day prior and heads back to his and Ochako's room. Upon getting back he sees Ochako had already cleaned her plate and is looking at Izuku with a red face being slightly embarrassed about how much and how fast she ate. He simply smiles at her before taking his spot in their bed and handing her the mochi bun he had made the previous day. The two relax and enjoy their calm morning eating their food and watching Saturday morning television. Meanwhile unbeknownst to them the class was actually down stairs and they were preparing for Izuku's surprise birthday party.

"Alright, listen up. I'm only helping with this because Preggo round face is going to destroy the dorms if her husband isn't given a proper birthday. Deku might not want it but she does and I don't want to anger her again. They're going to be down here who knows when and we have an unknown amount of time to get this set up. You know your jobs so get to it bitches." Bakugou says, pointing to several groups in the class.

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