Recollection and Explanation

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At first Izuku thought it had been a dream, all the events of yesterday playing through his mind. When he stirred from his sleep, with Ochako in her usual spot in his bed, he expected to see Eri sleeping in her small bed nearby as well. When he opens his eyes and looks to it he realizes it was all real... a bit too real. Looking in front of him he sees the usual brown bob cut of Ochako's hair and she slept facing away from him with Izuku himself holding her from behind. The gravity of the situation hits him when he feels Ochako's pregnant belly instead of her toned stomach like he's used to feeling. "So it wasn't a dream... that's gonna take some time getting used to. I thought we wouldn't be starting a family for a long time but looks like that is well was just a thought. That would have been a weird dream to tell her about but it's gonna be even weirder to tell the teachers here what had happened." Izuku monologues internally as he rubs his hand along Ochako's stomach. This continues a few moments before he feels a tiny kick from the inside of her which wakes up Ochako.

"Deku? Did you tap my belly?" She asks still a bit hazy on what had happened the day before.

"No, that was Eri." Izuku replies as Ochako turns to look at the girl's empty bed before her eyes widen and she looks about the room before noticing her stomach. "Oh... right, I thought that was just a dream. How are we gonna tell them?"

"I have absolutely no idea, more importantly what are you gonna wear? Your belly is too big to fit in our normal uniforms though you probably could wear mine." Izuku says without thinking, Ochako decides to use this to mess with him.

"Deku you better not be calling me fat." She says feining anger at him which causes him to backpedal a bit.

"Nononononono!!! Idontmeanthatatall! I just.... ugh... I mean that since you now have the pregnant stomach you won't be able to fit your old uniform since that one hugged your body enough already. We're gonna need a bigger uniform since you're carrying Eri. I already told you on multiple occasions that you're the most perfect girl here beating out even Yaomomo who has been voted the most attractive freshman according to Mineta and Kaminari." Izuku explains kissing her on the forehead as a form of apology.

"I'm kidding Izu, now let's get up and get this over with. I just hope they won't expel me." Ochako says as she gets up and stretches before placing a hand on her belly feeling it grumble since she is now eating for two.

"Yeah... that didn't even cross my mind. Hopefully nothing will happen but since you're carrying Eri now you probably will be in the GenEd classes and be on the side lines for our heroics training." Izuku says as he throws on a shirt and helps Ochako put on a shirt that fits over her belly. Once done they make their way to the door and open it to see Mineta with a toothbrush in his mouth having just woken up.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh..." he says as the toothbrush falls out of his mouth and onto the floor.

"You say anything perverted I'm gonna use you to put a crater on the sun." Izuku says glaring at the grape who just stands there shocked seeing Ochako's belly.

"So... that was what all the commotion was about? At first I thought it was Midoriyas baby in there. Before you send me to space can I say something first?" He says looking to Izuku for confirmation but getting nothing in return. "Your boobs look great, they're probably bigger than Yaomomo's... alright let me open the window first." He says walking to the nearby window opening it and looking to Izuku "Alright ready."

With that Izuku grabs the grape by the shirt holding him like a football and yeets him towards the sun at Max power but unfortunately it wasn't quite enough to leave orbit. He turns back to Ochako who is inspecting herself and then shrugs before taking Izuku's hand and walking off towards the elevator. Getting to the common room they are met with the smells of Sato and Bakugou cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Ochako perks up smelling this and walks over to the kitchen smelling the food.

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