Born Again

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Like every father before him, Izuku is incredibly anxious for the birth of his daughter. He had been in the room for not even 5 minutes and he could already feel his heart pounding out of his chest. He was clamped to a chair by Midnight but his right arm is free to hold Ochako's hand as she experiences the labor. Unfortunately it seems that her labor is going incredibly fast and she doesn't have enough time to get accustomed to the contractions. Ten minutes ago her water broke and she had already started dilating. In order for her to be able to begin pushing her cervix has to reach a 10cm dilation. With how quickly her labor is going that time is coming quick as not even 15 minutes into the labor she's already at 4cm dilated. Poor Izuku may have a few bones in his right hand being crushed by Ochako with each contraction.

"You're almost halfway there Ochako. You're at 5cm dilation now when you get to ten then you can start to push. Would you like me to administer some pain killers?" Midnight asks from behind a surgery mask before grabbing a needle from the tray next to her.

"Y-Yes!!! It h-hurts so much..." She says through pants as another contraction hits her. She tightens her grip on Izuku's hand and feels a crunch. Izuku tenses up and holds his breath while she squeezes his hand but he bares with it, having gone through much worse many times before. "I... I think I just broke Izuku's hand." She says as RG walks over to Deku and kisses his hand, healing it.

"To be fair Ochako. That was the third time something broke in my hand. Just breathe and be calm this will be over in due time." Izuku encourages her before wincing at her crushing his hand again due to another contraction seeing as the painkillers have not set in yet.

In the waiting room:

To say that the remaining eighteen students of class 2-A are going nuts is an understatement. While they may not show it in appearance, their minds have been going at thousands of miles an hour and finally some of them can't take it anymore.

"I-I'm scared.. What if something bad happens? What if something goes wrong?! I've rewatched Clannad so many times I know where this can lead!" Tooru panics through hasted breaths biting her invisible nails nervously which doesn't really help the class's overall mood.

"It's gonna be fine Tooru, Uraraka is a strong girl, she'll pull through!" Ojiro tries to cheer up his girlfriend just before another scream and a crunch is heard, making everyone cringe slightly again.

"I'm definitely going the C-section route when Eiji and I have kids..." Mina mumbles, burying her face in Eijirou's neck and hugging her abdomen.

"This entire thing is giving me a whole new level of respect for my parents, especially my mom. I was a chonky baby..." Kaminari jokes with a slight chuckle as everyone else nods in agreement.

"Same here dude, my mom was in labor for twenty eight hours with me.. When I can I'm taking her and my Dad on a well deserved vacation." Sato joins in right as rushed footsteps approach the entrance of the waiting room and the door is slammed off its hinges from the green haired woman who opened it.

"WHERE ARE MY BABIES?!" Inko shouts, scaring the crap out of the more easily surprised students and even making Mineta faint from fright.

In response to hearing her voice the door leading into the delivery room is slid open slightly and Midnight pokes her head out. "Inko! Thank goodness you're here! Ochako is nearly at 7cm dilation! C'mon!" The pro hero informs as Inko practically teleports into the room and the door is locked behind her.

In the Delivery room:

The medication had kicked in for Ochako and almost all pain had been alleviated from the labor. She still felt her muscles tightening and felt slight discomfort from it but there was no pain thanks to the medicine she was given by Midnight. Inko was allowed inside having almost knocked the door down to get in. she was aiding in the delivery in place of RG who was tending to Izuku's broken hand. Poor Izuku had almost all 23 bones in his right hand crushed by Ochako who increasingly gripped it tighter and tighter as the contractions increased in duration and number. For some reason however despite having his stamina drained a few times to heal his hand, Izuku refused to allow himself to pass out from the tiredness. He excused himself from the room and bolted to RG's coffee maker to combat the tiredness. He will not fall asleep and miss this.. If All for One attacked right now he wouldn't even be able to finish monologuing in time before he was already defeated by the father. Ochako's dilation increased from seven to nine and it was almost time to start pushing. Inko says that she can see the head of Eri and all that they're waiting for is for her body to finish dilating. Her labor was just under ninety minutes and now she is at the full 10cm.

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