Trying Not to give Mrs. Midoriya-Yagi a Heart Attack.

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 After Nezu scolded me and Kacchan for putting a crater in the cafeteria we headed to our last classes for the day. I helped Ochako to our heroics class and unfortunately she couldn't participate but she did help in strategising for our victory against the robot villains. After that, All Might brought me aside and away from the others before bringing up something that I had not thought of yet. "Young Midoriya, come here for a second we need to talk." All Might says as I catch my breath. I take my mouth guard off of my face and rush over to see what All Might had wanted to ask. Once getting within whisper shot, he moves me aside before talking in a hushed tone.

"Remember what happened this morning in the principal's office? Nezu had texted me saying that since the day is almost over you and Young Uraraka should tell your parents about what had happened. Problem is that Young Uraraka's parents are north of Tokyo right now in some business venture that Nezu told me about. All that is important is that we need to let Inko know of what happened. Lord knows what is going to happen when she finds out that your girlfriend is five months pregnant. She fainted when we found out we were expecting you." All Might explains looking about trying to make sure he is being discrete which is hard when you're a 7'2" blonde number one pro hero.

"Y-you just made my blood run cold... Mom is gonna flip when she finds out. Both figuratively and literally." I reply thinking of when she found out Ochako and I were dating.

"I'm afraid that she might have a heart attack seeing this, though, Inko has always been one to over react. We need to get Young Uraraka to let her know of what is going to happen and we also need to come up with an explanation that won't cause your mother to freak out." All Migh-no Dad says before standing up and making sure that no one has heard us talk.

"Well the only one that has figured out that you are my father is Todoroki but I told him otherwise like Mom said to but he doesn't believe me. He has this whole conspiracy evidence board set up in his room with pictures and everything. It's a little creepy." I reply remembering the time we were partners in a project and I saw the evidence board with all the strings and stuff on it.

"Either way, they are going to find out eventually and they're not going to be too happy about you deceiving them. You may let Young Uraraka know of it, however, both the fact that I am your father and of OFA too. For now, go get changed and bring Young Uraraka over to your mother's apartment I will be there as soon as I finish grading your all's performance. You got a 100 by the way." Dad says as he stands up and stretches.

"Wait, dad. Ochako already knows about OFA she just doesn't know that your my father." I say pulling his shirt so he doesn't get to far out of whisper shot.

"Ok then, See you at the house Izuku." He says before walking off to go talk with the class, before giving the class a thumbs up and dismissing us to go get changed.

As we head back to the locker rooms to get changed, I make it a point to go over to Ochako and walk with her making sure that Eri hasn't been kicking her that hard. She tells me that she can tell Eri is asleep or atleast isn't that active today as we walk to go get changed. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kacchan give me a smirk and Mineta glaring at me as we walk to the entrance of the USJ. I don't really like coming here after what had happened bak earlier in the year, I shake off this feeling and lace my fingers in between Ochako's own. Once we get back to UA, I collect my things from my locker and meet Ochako outside the locker room before heading to the exit.

"Where are we going Izuku?" She asks as we walk slowly hand in hand on our way to the subway station. I simply smile and pull her closer to me with my arm around her shoulder.

"We're heading to my mother's house like we did yesterday, All Might said that we need to tell my mom and your parents what happened with Eri. I just hope my mom doesn't have a heart attack, but she probably will pass out though. And I'm pretty sure that your dad is going to kill me." I say trying to hide my shaky voice thinking of what is going to happen.

"Nonsense Izu, i'm sure he will understand what happened once we explain it. But what about your dad? I never asked about him." Ochako says as we get in line to buy tickets for the train.

"Oh he already knows, infact you've met him before. When I said my late father yesterday in the dorms that was a lie, unfortunately. My mom told me that I can't tell anyone who he is but i talked with him and he said that I can tell you who he is. Just don't tell Todoroki he was right." Izuku says getting Ochako to perk an eyebrow.

"Wait... He was right?!" She whisper shouts looking up at me as we board the train heading to Musutafu. I give her my trademark All Might impression face which causes her face to light up.

"I the son of All Might am here!" I say back to her giving my best impression and thanking the author that there is no one else in the train car with us. Ochako starts to laugh at my impression as I sit back down next to her and put my arm around her body.

"You here that Eri? Your grandpa is All Might and Daddy is Deku the next number one pro hero." She say rubbing her hand gently across her stomach, I see little bumps happen under her shirt and I place my hand on her stomach feeling Eri kick a few times.

"Does that ever hurt? I know it only has been one day but..." I ask as she looks up from looking at her stomach to me and just shrugs.

"I don't know yet, it just feels like when someone taps me but from the inside. Izu are we close to the exit? I need to use the rest room." She says.

"Didn't you use it at the school?" I ask as she pouts at me turning away.

"You don't have a baby using your bladder as a pillow or punching bag." She says puffing her cheeks slightly giving me a pouty face.

"Oh, I had no idea." I say in an apologetic tone, she still pouts towards me shifting in her seat to keep her back to me. "Ochako~ Don't give me that." I say trying to get her to look at me. "You know you look cute when you pout like that." I say pinching her cheeks slightly.

"Dekuuu! Stooopp!" she pouts says putting her hands on mine.

"So chubby, so soft."

"Broccoli head." She says in a very childish tone as the train comes to it's stop in Mustafa. I let go of her cheeks and she grabs my hand again as we get off the train with our things.

I walk Ochako over to the restroom and wait for her to get done. As she is in there I check my phone and text my mom that I'm bringing Ochako over and that there is something important that had happened and that we need to talk. She texts back saying that she will make something to eat and then asks if I was ok and what had happened. I told her that it would be easier to just show her and explain it when dad gets home from UA. After that ochako comes back and we start walking to my mom's apartment complex. As we walk, we get comments from passers by saying that we look like a cute couple and say that they want to see our baby. I simply smile at them as we continue to walk to the apartment. Getting up to the door, my heart starts to pound out of my chest with anxiety and fear of how my mom is going to react. The I unlock the door to our apartment.

"Hey mom, we're home!" I announce as we take a step inside the room. Instantly the smells of Katsudon overtakes us as we shut the door behind us and set our things aside.

"Izuku! It's so good to have you home! I know I saw you yesterday but it felt like forever ago. I'm making dinner right now, you and Ochako make yourselves at home while we wait for Toshi to get here." Mom says causing Ochako to raise an eyebrow at me.

"That's dad's real name, it's Toshinori Shimura-Yagi. Dad was adopted by Nana Shimura when his parents disowned him for being quirkless. I already told you that he didn't have a quirk before One for All didn't I?" I ask as she nods yes in response.

"So, what was this you wanted to talk a-" Mom says as she walks into the living room with a closed eyed smile. She stops talking mid sentence when she opens them and sees Ochako but more specifically her pregnant stomach. Then she passes out.

"Well you did say she was going to faint." Ochako says as I stand up, pick up my mom off the floor, and lay her down on the couch.

"I guess all we can do is wait for dad to get home. She's probably going to out for a couple hours. I'll finish cooking dinner. Want anything special?" I ask heading to the kitchen.

"Tempura bento and Apple Mochi." She answers as I begin to cook.

"Coming right up!" 

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