New to Parenthood

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Parenthood is something that takes a long time to get the hang of, no matter how motherly or caring one is. One baby is hard enough to care for, let alone Two of them. That being said, when said parent is the ninth holder of One for All, it is quite easy for Izuku. Eri and Rei were only days old and already had their father wrapped around their little fingers. Their horns had yet to begin to develop but their eyes are the same red color they were before the incident. At 8lbs exactly, both sisters were tiny and fragile but were the center of their mother and father's world.

The dorms have been the most quiet in the past 4 months, Ochako was sitting across from Izuku with Eri nursing from her breast. Rei is sound asleep on Izuku's chest, his large hand acting as a blanket for the baby. The girls are sitting around Ochako talking over texts on their phones so as to not wake Rei. The guys are out of the dorms doing a training exercise with Aizawa and Nezu off campus at the USJ. Izuku and Ochako are on Maternity and Paternity leave from school with their grades and work being frozen progress wise until the infants are old enough to stay with anyone else aside from their parents. Momo had made all sorts of things that Ochako might or will need through the early days of the newborn's lives. Things from blankets, to booties, breasts pumps, bottles, a baby monitor, a crib for twins, a noise maker to emulate the sound of the womb as well as warming mattresses and clothes for the little ones.

"Yaomomo, you didn't have to go and make all this stuff for us. We were given a lot of money from UA itself to take care of Eri and Rei after they were born. Nezu wrote us a check for 1.5 billion yen! He didn't even bat an eye at it." Ochako shows her the transaction in her and Izuku's bank account that shows the 1.5 billion transfer.

"I know but I just couldn't help myself. I'm going to need to make all this stuff when I have a baby anyways. So... I figured why not get the practice in, and if you ever need it I can also breast feed them." Momo whispers with a closed eyed smile.

"You can breastfeed? I thought you had to be pregnant first to do it." Mina replies, a visibly confused look on her face.

"Well, I can emulate it. I know the chemical makeup of it and can produce it anywhere on my body. It technically isn't a living thing so I can make it. I can create it from anywhere on my body so if you need me to feed them I can." Momo explains with the other girls nodding in understanding.

"Well, If I don't have enough I will keep that in mind but I seem to have more than enough. I was a C cup before the incident with Eri and now I am an E." Ochako says, Eri stops nursing and Ochako pulls her off her nipple before pulling her shirt down.

"You'll need this." Momo says handing Ochako a small rag.

"Thanks, I forgot mine upstairs near the crib." Ochako replies, she takes the rag and puts it over her shoulder and pulls Eri up to her shoulder. She starts patting Eri lightly on her back to help the baby burp.

"Come on, come on. Burp for mommy." Ochako says in a song like voice patting Eri's back repeatedly.

"Rei is quite the heavy sleeper isn't she?" Momo asks turning to face the white haired baby sleeping on Izuku's chest.

"She slept through the thunderstorm yesterday and didn't even wake up when Kacchan blew up the front door because he got locked out again." Izuku replies, switching hands and placing his right hand behind his head and left over her back.

"Sheesh, even I can't sleep through that and I sleep like the dead according to Ojiro." Toru replies before motioning to Ochako to let her hold Eri. She complies and hands Toru the baby who blinks slowly before nodding off.

"Well, if Eri cries, Rei cries and vice versa. Eri is a very light sleeper versus her sister. She so much as hears a door creak she's awake and crying for attention. Rei is very much a daddy's girl and Eri is a momma's girl." Ochako responds with a wide smile seeing both her daughters soak up the attention.

"Aren't you worried about their quirks developing? What if they wipe you from existence like Eri did to her original father." Mina asks, causing all of them to face her.

"Hatsume did something non explosive for once. She made us a pair of bracelets that the twins wear that inhibit's their quirks from activating. It's powerful enough to cancel out my quirk at my full power. Apparently Aizawa helped in creating it and it simulates his quirk and cancels out theirs as a result." Izuku says lifting the tiny hand of Rei to show a pink bracelet on her wrist with the Kanji for her name.

"It also helps for telling them apart. We almost mixed them up before getting the bracelets. We had to bring them back to Recovery girl to check their footprints to see who's who." Ochako admits with her face turning red from the embarrassment.

"Eri is a light sleeper for a while but when she totally falls asleep she stays asleep for most of the night. They actually wake up around the time I do for my morning run and weights." Izuku says, looking down at Rei on his chest. The baby squirms a little bit before moving her arms and head around as she starts to get fussy. She opens her eyes to look at Izuku, the still developing pale red color present on her irises. "Good morning little one. You sleep well?" He asks, Rei simply stares at him before yawning widely.

"I think she's hungry. She keeps eyeing Yaomomo and Ochako's chests." Izuku says following the line of sight of the small infant to both Yaomomo and Ochako.

"Give her to me." Ochako says, Izuku gets up from his spot and walks as smoothly as possible so as to not disturb Rei all that much before handing her to her mother. "Hi baby. Are you hungry?" Ochako asks in a babying tone. Rei flaps her right arm up and down squirming in her arms. "I'll take that as a yes." Ochako says.

"Well, I'm going to use the bathroom, and I think the others are getting back here soon." Izuku says, he stretches up with his shirt coming with his arms exposing his abs to Ochako and the other girls in the room before he twists himself at the waist a couple times and walks towards the restrooms in the dorms.

"Ok, I'll admit it I'm definitely jealous." Mina says now getting to hold Eri, Ochako smirks hearing this and sticks her tongue out at Mina in response.

"You definitely hit a home run when it comes to him. He's extremely powerful, fatherly, caring, kind, the list goes on. The only thing he doesn't have going for him is his confidence, you're still pretty meak Midoriya." Momo says, Izuku gives her a neutral face of dissatisfaction in response before walking into the restroom.

"I don't think he's happy with you." Jirou says turning back to face Momo who just shrugs.

"What? It's true, he's courageous but not charismatic and flinches whenever he hears one of Bakugou's explosions." The other girls flinch when they hear her say the name.

"Why did you go and say his name? He has a sixth sense for this kinda thing." Mina whines, Momo gives her a questioning look.

"You know the rules, never say who shall not be named. You say his name and he will come." Toru says cryptically. Ochako sighs before taking Eri from Mina and putting Rei in a baby sling on her chest and walking upstairs.

"Momo, are you forgetting the time where You know who, attacked the humming birds outside because he thought they were talking shit about him? Either he consumed 12 grams of pure caffeine and was able to see sounds and hear colors." Jirou says.

"FUCK YOU EXTRAS SAY ABOUT ME I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Bakugou screams blasting down the front door to the dorms, the blast scares all the girls and sprays the common space with splinters. As soon as the rubble settles two babies' cries are heard from upstairs in the dorms. "Oh no..." He says.

Katsuki looks over towards the restrooms where an eerie green glowing light can be seen emanating from. His heart sinks in his chest seeing Deku turn the corner, his eyes glowing a fluorescent green and his skin glowing with the power of One for All. Deku simply holds a finger up to his mouth giving him a gesture to stay quiet. Out of his other hand a black miasma materialises and slithers along the floor like a brood of snakes. The black whips snake their way along the rubble and around Katsuki's legs before tightening. He's yanked from his feet and hoisted upside down as if caught in an ankle snare trap. Izuku begins to levitate above the ground with the black whips protruding his body real in as if fishing lines before pulling taut. Deku wordlessly floats past Bakugou before the whips pull tension and start dragging Katsuki outside the dorms. A look of mortal terror washes over Bakugou's face as he grasps for the door frame to stop himself from being abducted by the Ninth holder. With a flick of the wrist and crack of a whip, Katsuki is yanked out of the dorms. Deku being the only thing between him and an untimely death... and he's fresh out of mercy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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