An Angry Angry Ochako

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With a month passing after Izuku met Ochako's parents the pregnancy of the zero gravity user had been going along with no issues. Entering the seventh month of pregnancy with a girl whose yet to be reborn was the final stretch for the two soon to be parents. The final trimester where contractions start to occur to train the body in preparation for the birth on a very short time. It is mid May as we find the two, soon to be three, cinnamon rolls as they are sitting in the common room staving off a particularly hot day. The day in particular had been taking its toll on Ochako's patience, she never really liked the heat all that much and being swollen and irritable from a baby wasn't helping. She was beginning to second guess herself thinking that she is getting fat and thinking she's ugly. This has caused her to seem a bit more distant and annoyed, not to mention whenever anyone says anything about the weight of an object she instantly thinks they're talking about her. Izuku had been reassuring her it's just the hormones and mood swings and had been at her side since day one.

"Ochako? You hungry at all?" Izuku asks after massaging his girlfriend's sore back and chest due to the added weight of the baby and swelling of her breasts due to producing milk. He has noticed how she's been acting and has had something special planned for a few days that will hopefully improve her mood.

"Scorpion Reaper Peppers and Pineapple juice." She responds even catching Bakugou off guard with the request. These peppers are a science project by Bakugou combining the carolina reaper and the scorpion peppers into an abomination that is 5,000,000 scoville units in heat. "And butter mochi."

"S-sure." Izuku replies knowing not to argue with her craving requests, he gives a glance to Bakugou who then nods and heads upstairs to the rooftop greenhouse where he grows said pepper of magma. Izuku himself prepares her some fresh pineapple juice as well as some chunks and pours it into a glass before starting to make the mochi. He steams the mochi rice then places it into a steel pot that he can beat the rice into the mochi dough. Bakugou returns with a hazmat suit holding the pepper with a pair of forge tongs before placing it on a metal plate. The pepper is literally smoking and sets off a fire alarm on the way down the stairs and for Iida to start to freak out.

"I hope this doesn't affect the little one, I wouldn't ever eat these things and I'm Me!" He says almost fearful of the black pepper on the plate in front of him. Izuku soon finishes the mochi and sets it beside the pepper and brings the plate over to Ochako.

She smiles and thanks him for the food before picking up the pepper and eating it without flinching. She takes a small sip of the pineapple juice before burping suddenly and breathing fire out surprising herself at this and scorching Izuku's hair. She starts to giggle before eating the mochi and letting out a delighted sigh after tasting the brown butter that Izuku used to make said mochi. She finishes the rest of her drink and the three other mochi buns before handing Bakugou back the plate. After this she taps Izuku's head then picks him up like a cat before placing him on the couch and laying back on his side like they had been earlier. They continue watching TV for a couple of hours before Ochako turns up to face Izuku and asks him a question.

"Izuku? Do you think i'm getting fat? Or ugly?" She asks in a slightly saddened town alerting the ninth holder of One for All. He ponders for a second on what to say to cure her self doubts before responding to her.

"Ochako, you're not fat you're pregnant, you're not ugly and you're the most beautiful girl at UA." Izuku begins but is interrupted by Mineta.

"Says you, Yaomomo is hotter than her." He says but quickly has to duck as a steak knife finds its place a mere centimeter above his head buried to the handle in the drywall thrown by Ochako herself.

"As I was saying, you don't have to worry about your looks and appearance. You are the woman I fell in love with and we are going to be the parents of a girl who deserves this new life. No matter what happens or how you change or how you look I will always be with you now and forever." He responds before kissing his pregnant girlfriend on the lips and stroking the back of her hair. When they part Ochako goes off shouting at Mineta for what he said.

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