03 | Escape The Tower Of Heaven

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Brain stared at the blue haired mage in shock as he watched her hide behind the giant rock in terror. Everyone was shocked as her name escaped his tainted lips, even the members of the Oracion Seis were slightly confused. The dark guild members shared glances, their faces etched with visible confusion. Halay stifled a small gasp for air as she shifted her head up painfully to try to catch a glimpse of the girl.

"Do you know her?" Cobra questioned his master as he scratched his oversized snake's neck. He tried not to glance at the girl shaking on the floor only a small distance in front of him, it almost pained him to listen to her body shutting down on itself.

"No doubt about it." Brain muttered as Wendy came back up for a peak, hoping they had stopped looking her way. "That's Wendy. The Maiden of the sky." He announced which made everyone fill up with even more confusion.

"What? Maiden of the sky?" Gray questioned as he lifted his head, his body already littered with harmless scrapes and cuts.

Halay lifted her head and her teal eyes met Wendy's terror filled ones. She felt the dark magic soar through her veins like hellfire as she tried to move but couldn't. "Wendy, run." The teenager struggled to say as her breathing became shorter.

"Simon, run!" A small female voice echoed through her brain, filling Cobra's empty ears as he glanced down to her. He recognised that voice, it was hers.

"To think we simply stumbled upon her. We've made quite a find my friends." He lifted his staff once again. "Grab her." A green swell of energy formed from it and shot out, a massive magic hand being created as it cut through the wind.

"Striking when we're down, that isn't fair." Natsu complained as he jumped up, suddenly full of energy.

"All is fair in money and war. Oh yeah." Hoteye shouted, bending the rocks around them into liquid. Everyone dropped, screaming as it was unexpected. It hardened just as quickly as it melted, shifting everyone's positions so that the light guilds were closer to each other. Whether this was intentional or not, it was a smart plan because now they were further away from Wendy.

"There is no use for the rest of you." Brain shouted as he lifted his staff up again, this time with a raging fury in his eyes. His magic stormed towards them, destroying anything that would get in its way. It would be disastrous if they were to touch it.

Hibiki noticed this and immediately jumped over to his injured friend. "Halay!" He screamed in concern as he just manage to pick her up in the nick of time. A small rock archway formed around them as tried to escape all the attacks thrown at them. Suddenly, the Oracion Seis were gone and they had taken Wendy too.

Halay felt the solid rock under her hard hands as she steadied herself. Somehow she had the energy to stand but not without support. Muttering and conversations were happening behind her but all she could think about was the never ending pain that she felt every time she moved. Even if she twitched her finger, a searing hot sensation shot through her blood stream. She was in agony but she wouldn't tell anyone how bad it was. She was prideful, too prideful.

"They wiped the floor with us." Ren muttered as he brushed the remaining dirt off his battered and torn suit.

"Well, they're a lot stronger then we are." Eve told him bitterly as he did the same, watching as the other guilds managed to pick themselves up too. "We never stood a chance against them."

"The Oracion Seis. What unbelievable power." Lyon stated as he looked to the sky, reflecting on what had just happened. They were all embarrassed about their quick defeat after all, they were meant to be the strongest in their guilds.

"And there is onto 6 of them." Hibiki added quickly, making sure he reminded everyone of their horrible defeat. "Their magic is much stronger then the rumour suggests."

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