08 | Welcome To The Group

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It had been a few days since Halay had joined the Fairy Tail guild and so far she hadn't formed an opinion yet. She, obviously, had sent back a lacrima to Blue Pegasus to tell them she was perfectly fine. The reply was quite hilarious- Eve was crying in the background while Hibiki was trying to talk over Ichiya shouting 'man'. It did bring a smile to her face which was regrettably in short supplies these days. She had moved in with Keeri and Rose like they had offered and the pair were extremely nice.

Halay pulled her curtains open quickly, unable to wait to feel the hot sun on her skin. The sun here didn't feel as bright as in the sun did when she was living in the Blue Pegasus guild hall but that was probably because it was always dark there. The brunette happily opened her door only to be met with a sock wizzing past her face.

"Oh my god." She mumbled as she gripped the door in shock, not expecting what had happened. She peered her head out and noticed Rose and Reed arguing while throwing things at each other. As much as the two argued, Halay could tell that they cared for one another which made her smile when she saw it.

"Stop throwing things!" Reed shouted at her as he dodged a TV remote that was sent flying at him. His wings were out and he was hovering but that didn't make it any easier for him because Rose was a damn good shot.

Rose gritted her teeth in anournce as she shouted back, "You started it!"

"No I didn't!" Reed responded, extremely confused and angry. Halay managed to slip past the two as their small war halted for a moment. Her brown hair was being tied up as she walked down the corridor and into their open kitchen space. Keeri was at the stove, cooking something that Halay didn't recognise.

"Are they always like that?" Halay questioned as she approached her new roommate. Keeri glanced over her shoulder and sighed when she saw the mess that was trailing down the hall.

"Yeah, sorry about that." The purple haired mage apologised as she stirred the stew she was making. "How's the guild so far?"

"A lot more energetic then the last one I was in." The brunette explained awkwardly as her eyes glanced over the few pictures that scattered the wall. They were mostly of the guild and the occasional picture of Keeri and Rose as children. They seemed like a happy family and Halay didn't want to intrude on that.

Keeri couldn't help but laugh. "Blue Pegasus is renowned for their playboys. I'm sure there was lots of flirting going on."

"Surprisingly there wasn't. That was a rumour that Quadro Suberus made up and somehow it stuck so they figured, why not prove it right?" Halay explained as she leant against the counter.

"Well, they seem pretty cool in my opinion." Keeri smiled as she turned off the stove. She poured the piping hot liquid into four bowls and set them out on the table, Halay watching as she did so.

"They are." Halay whispered as she thought about her family.

Rose wandering into the room, Reed's tail in hand, with her intense green eyes on Halay's. "There comes a time in every friendship where you need to ask the other person one particular question." Rose vaugly stated. Keeri and Reed's eyes widened in fear while Halay was just confused.

"Rose don't." Keeri warned, fully expecting the question to come out of the red head's mouth to be completely inappropriate.

Rose sat down in one of the chairs abruptly and questioned, "What magic type do you have?"

"Oh thank god." Reed sighed as he was dropped onto the table. The cat only just managing to catch himself so that he didn't face plant on the wooden object.

"Let me guess, ring magic?" Rose continued as she pointed to the rings on Halay's hand. The brunette subconsciously rubbed her fingers over them, as if she was embarrassed that she had them but also worried if the girl would try to take them.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now