22 | Bar Fight

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The rain had finally stopped. It was a miracle if anything, all seemed semi-right in the world. However, Halay's mind was plagued with unanswered questions and worry - she worried for Mystogan but mostly her Edolas self, she wished she could have given her more advice on being assertive but time was precious. Thankfully, she was able to tie her hair up the minute she got back to the shared apartment- practically swearing that she was never going to have it down again.

Then everyone made their way to the guildhall, planning to tell their guild mates about the parallel universe and doppelgänger's but most of all that Lisanna was home. Rose seemed happier then usual, she wore a brighter smile and her sarcasm had decreased. Slightly. When they pushed the doors open, nothing had change. There were fights happening, people drinking as well as just some quite conversations. Nothing was out of the ordinary but what did they expect?

"I need a drink." Halay announced as she sighed deeply, her adventure finally catching up to her. Everyone's head snapped toward the brunette in shock. 

"That's the first time I've ever heard her say that." Rose stated as she stared at her friend next to her, leaning into the time mage so only she could hear.

Keeri leant forward for the same reason. "I never thought I'd hear those words come out of her mouth."

The whole guild erupted into chaos once they saw Lisanna, mostly everyone cried at the sight, only a few actually held themselves together and greeted her like nothing he ever happened. Elfman started hitting people off his little sister as they tried to hug her causing a large ruckus in the middle of the room. That was until Master Makarov stepped forward, silencing the room and looked up to the white haired mage with a smile on his face.

"Lisanna. I was so worried." He told her in a sad and relieved tone. "I consider those who are raised in this guild my children, every parent worries about their children and every parent had faith in their children. You can fill me in on all the details another time, same for the rest of you. Today we will all celebrate your return to Fairy Tail."

"I just can't believe it. I've come home and I'll never leave again." Lisanna promised as tears started to stream down her face.

"You can child, for wherever you go this will always be home." Makarov replied with a bright smile. "Welcome back, Lisanna dear."

Lisanna threw herself at the master and picked him up, squeezing him tightly against her face. "Thank you Master."

Finally everyone started to party, their lost sister and returned. Halay didn't feel right partying the return of someone she hadn't really met yet so sounds her way through the cheering and punches to the bar, smiling at Kinana, a new girl that had joined the girl. Kinana actually felt extremely welcome in the guild, fortunately Halay wasn't the first person she interacted with but they would have a great friendship down the line.

"One beer please." Halay ordered to the young girl which made the purple haired girl nod on understanding.

"That's the first time I've seen you drink." Makarov stated factually as he say down on the bar surface next to her, crossing his legs and watching her closely.

"Well when you get stuck in an parallel universe with doppelgängers, everything goes to hell." Halay replied as she turned to look at him, smiling at Kinana when her drink was placed in front of her. "I think I deserve it."

Makarov noticed the brunette's tense shoulders and how tightly her hand gripped the glass. Halay hadn't been in the guild as long as anyone else but one of the pieces of advice that Master Bob has told him was 'looking for the subtleties'. "Something in your mind child?"

"Just something that Edolas me said." Halay answered vaguely before sighing and continuing. "Something about a guy named Arthur, I don't know who he is but he seemed special to her."

"You want to find him." Makarov assumed until Halay nodded.

"I'd like to try," Halay admitted quietly, almost as if it was a sin. Her finger danced around the end the of the glass rim. "But I don't even know where to look."

Makarov was about to say more when another man sat down in the seat next to her. He tapped her shoulder which caused her to look from her master to the man. "Don't think I've seen you around before." The ginger man stated, scanning her face intensely incase he actually did know her.

"Yeah, I joined the guild about a month back." Halay explained, holding her hand out for the man to take. "Halay Winters."

"Ah, the Pegasus right?" Realisation light up on the guys face. "Gildarts Clive, pleasure to meet you." He introduced as he shook her hand firmly, she didn't flinch at the applied pressure which stunned the man.

Halay smiled back. "Pleasures all mine Gildarts."

"Oi Halay!" Natsu screamed over the top of the loud and rowdy guild, she looked over her shoulder to see the pink haired mage storming towards her. "I want to fight you!"

Halay span in her chair to face the dragon slayer and smirked slightly. "Sit down Natsu before you burn your own brain cells." A suppressed laugh came from Gildarts and a smile reformed on the master's face. Halay was quick and that was no lie.

"What? You a coward or something?" Natsu smirked, pushing her buttons. Lucy, Wendy, Keeri and Rose's eyes widened at the boy's words and immediately became invested in what was going to happen next. The conversation was like a tennis match.

Halay's smile disappeared as she glared dangerously at him. "Say that again and I'll put your head through a table." She threatened emotionlessly, sending shivers through everyone in the guild.

"Natsu, don't you remember that her own guild was scared of her!" Lucy stood up, trying to protest against what the pyro was about to do.

Natsu smirked. "Coward."

Halay stood slowly, a low chuckle escaping her lips as she stalked towards him. On lookers winced at the idea of what she might do to him. She smiled sweetly at him when they came face to face. She roughly gripped the back of his neck and in one motion, through his head through the nearest table. A few whoops were heard from some of the spectators, others in awe of her brutal truth.

"Alright, bar fight!" She announced, throwing her hands into the air. Suddenly, the room was in chaos, everyone was fighting everyone. Halay laughed before taking her seat back at the bar and slowly sipped on her alcoholic beverage. Keeri narrowly ducked out of the way of Rose's incoming punch aimed at the ice mage. She crawled along the floor and found herself at the bar, Halay holding out her hand for the purple haired girl to take.

Keeri took it happily and sat down next to her, both girls watching the chaos. "So you started a bar fight and didn't join in?" The time mage questioned, clarifying the absurd statement.

"Why? Do you want me to end it?" Halay asked, raising an eyebrow, almost challenging her.

Keeri couldn't help but laugh, her friend seemed a lot more carefree then before they went to Edolas. "I have no idea what happened to you in Edolas but it kind of changed you. I'm not sure what to think about it." She stated honestly.

"I guess that's we're you're wrong, we don't care whether you fit in or not. We only care if you care about us."

Halay smiled sadly at the words that rang in her head, they were meant to be spiteful but she couldn't help but take them as constructive criticism. Her teal eyes danced along her rings, twirling the new addition to her collection, watching it sparkle in the natural light. She looked up to the purple haired girl and smiled brightly. "I'm learning to be myself."

It was a shorter chapter then usual but the real doozy is next chapter! Any theories? I'd love to hear them! Happy Valentine's Day, anyone want to join the Lonely Hearts club that I just started?

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