48 | Hidden

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"Now will each team's participant in the hidden game please kindly step forward." The pumpkin announced loudly as Halay walked in line with Keeri.

"There are two questions on everyone's mind. First and foremost, what kind of game will hidden be? And who would you say is the favourite in this competition?" The announcer asked the old man from their spot in their box.

"It's safe to assume that Rufus of Sabertooth would be the odds in favourite but it would be a mistake to underestimate the competitors from Fairy Tail." Yajima replied as he watched the two fairy tail wizards walk towards the middle of the stadium.

Halay punched Keeri's shoulder. "That's us." The brunette smiled, not noticing that the time mage winced in pain.

"And now to today's special guest, Miss Jenny Realight from Blue Pegasus." Chapati Lola turned to the blonde who was sat near him.

"My fav? I'll be rooting for Eve of course. He's got this in the bag." Jenny replied as she waved at the blond boy below the box.

"Good luck." Keeri told Halay once they arrived at the large group. "And just so you know, I'm not going easy on you just because we're apart of the same guild."

"I'd be insulted if you did." Halay smirked confidently in response. "However, I'm not losing to you, I'm gonna win this thing."

"I'll have you know that my mind is set on winning too and win fair Keeri's heart." Lyon announced from next to the purple haired girl. Halay sent a confused look as she glanced between the ice mage and the time mage. Had she missed something?

"How long has he been like that?" She questioned her as she watched Lyon stare into the distance, hearts and stars flying off him as he thought about his not-so-secret crush.

Keeri sighed deeply, her eyes still on him. "Since he first met me." She responded honestly.

Halay nodded in understanding and looked back to Keeri. She noticed that her pink eyes didn't seem to be holding any distaste for the mage, only small amounts of confusion. "You don't seem like you mind it." She observed lowly, as if it was a secret.

"It's confusing, I don't know how to act around him." Keeri admitted as she placed her hand on her heart, feeling it beat rapidly. Her eyes snapped wide as she looked to the brunette. "This isn't the time to talk about my love life!" She demanded loudly which made Halay snigger under her breath.

"Whatever you say." The Ring Master responded with a knowing smirk. If Lyon's advances carried on like they were now, Keeri would be falling for him fast. It was only a matter of time.

"Um, I have a question." Keeri stated to the group which made everyone look at her. The time mage pointed to the small pumpkin figure standing in front of them. "What are you?" She asked innocently.

"Who me?" The pumpkin jumped in shock, mot expecting the question. "My silly girl, I'm Pumpkin as you can plainly see."

Keeri winced when she felt the awkward energy emit from the pumpkin. "Sorry. I feel like I wasn't supposed to ask that."

"Seriously?" Halay raised a questioning brow at her friend. "You asked a Pumpkin why he looked like a pumpkin?"

"It's not my fault my mind works like that Halay!" Keeri exclaimed in response, visibly stressed about the question she shouldn't have asked. "He looks like a pumpkin on the outside but I'm talking about what's inside." She corrected herself.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now