25 | Jorge

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After comparing the job board to the one two weeks ago, you'd say that this one was empty. And that was true. As much as Halay revelled in the fact she was the unofficial fourth master of Fairy Tail, she quickly became closed off after their failed attempts at finding Tenrou Island. She took a job a day, sometimes been two jobs. She declared she was strong enough and she was right. Physically at least. So as she looked over the sparse board, she could feel two eyes burning a hole in the side of her face.

"Reed, I can feel you staring at me. What's the matter?" Halay asked the yellow exceed that was floating next to her. She saw that his arms were crossed and he had a concerned look on his face, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I'm worried about you." He told her, watching her closely. She clenched her jaw in annoyance.

"This again?" She sighed deeply as she pulled a piece of paper off the board.

"I'm serious. This is your twelfth job in the last two weeks. I've tried it give you space but now you're practically trying to kill yourself." He replied quickly, practically shouting at her. He was beyond concerned.

Halay looked at him, almost emotionlessly. She looked like a robot. "How so?"

"You're over working yourself Halay. I'm not the only one who's noticed it." The yellow exceed revealed as a few stray eyes met his. "You're supposed to be master."

"No one else is going on jobs and the rent for our place in huge. Someone's got to pay it. Not to mention the amount of booze we have to get in. Maybe you should be worried about our friends killing themselves from alcohol." Halay responded harshly, pointing to all the people drowning their sorrows in the alcohol.

Reed was taken back by her outburst. The girl faced the board once again dispute having a job in her hand. She gripped it tightly. "Halay." Reed tried to reason but she wasn't having any of it.

"I'm serious Reed. I'm fine." The brunette brushed off his concern quickly as she hung her head.

Reed stared for a moment before sighing in defeat. "What's the job?"

"Nice and easy. Taking down a group of bandits. No less then 25." Halay replied as they walked down the steps.

The yellow cat raise an eyebrow. "That's what you consider easy?" He asked almost teasing her.

"Kinana, we're taking this job?" Halay called out, gaining the attention of everyone in the guild. People had already started leaving to join 'stronger' guilds which left the remaining members heart broken.

"Good luck and be careful!" Kinana replies as she waved at them, smiling brightly. The door slammed shut and silence followed. Everyone had been listening into the conversation between the exceed and the mage, they were the ones who told Reed to talk to her. If anyone else had done it, they'd be in the floor for sure.

"Anyone else thinking that she's gonna kill herself from exhaustion?" Jet asked his friends as they sat at the bar, drinking heavily.

Warren nodded in agreement. "People cope with loss in different ways."

"Yeah but that just seems excessive." Max added as they watched the closed door, waiting for her to walk back in and beat them into the ground. She didn't though.

Halay was walking towards the train station, having a casual conversation with Reed - ignoring the concerned looks from the yellow cat. Passerby's had heard the news of Tenrou Island and were genuinely concerned for the future of Fairy Tail - most people had grown up with the protection of the guild so what would happen when they were gone. That's when Halay walked into someone, causing them to drop everything onto the floor.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now