26 | Fourth Master

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There was a buzz around Fiore, people had heard the rumours, none knew if it was true. A Pegasus becoming a Fairy Master. No one had heard of it before. The news had even reached all the other light guilds, it had even reached the prisoners in the Magic Council. So that's how Halay ended up at the main council building. She was a bundle of nerves, not wanting to let her guild down nor did she think she was ready. Nevertheless, she entered.

Her footsteps echoed through the ears of an eavesdropper, his smirk widening when he heard her. Her thoughts were so muddled that he couldn't read any of them. However, he was almost proud of the girl, she had grown a lot since they had encountered each other in the Worthwood Forest.

A blue haired mage was in the similar situation. The guards had been excited all week, wondering when she was finally coming. That's when he heard about it. Tenrou Island disappearing. He didn't have to see her face to know how much it affected her - he knew her better then he knew himself.

So as Halay walked down the corridor, remembering a similar encounter with Siegrain - a memory she wished to forget, she saw a familiar face. Her expression held no emotion as she walked past the Magic Council guard. "Halay." Doranbolt greeted tensely, wondering how she would react.

"Doranbolt." She spat, barging his shoulder as she walked past him. On reflex, he grabbed her arm, pulling them both to a stop. They found themselves very close to each other. He quickly let go of her and stepped back, distancing himself - his own guilt eating up at him.

"Good luck." He stated, motioning to the door behind her, the room he had just left standing on the other side.

Halay gave him a tense smile and bowed her head slightly, mostly out of respect. "Thanks."

She left him and slowly made her way to the door. Her nervousness building as she stared at it. The two guards either side nodded to each other and opened the door, a magic seal breaking as they did so. She climbed the stairs and appeared on a podium, the Magic Council members staring down at her, a few guild masters watching from the side lines. Master Bob was one of them.

"Halay Winters." A man's loud voice boomed our into the silence as she halted on the platform. She looked up at the man nervously, twisting her rings around on her fingers. "You are here to perform the Guild Master Pledge, is this true?"

Halay gulped and nodded. "Yes sir."

"You will have a series of questions you will answer truthfully." He informed her as he stared down at her, trying to intimidate her into submission. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." The brunette answered with more assurance in her voice.

"Do you promise to put your guild's needs before you own and never abandon them in crisis?" He questioned her sternly. Halay couldn't help but feel like she was being singled out - she had never heard of anyone else doing this so why her? Maybe it was because it was Fairy Tail, it seemed like the most logical answer.

Halay nodded and confirmed, "I do."

"Do you promise to work whole heartedly with the magic council and the rest of the light guilds?" The magic councilman smirked, almost expecting her to say no to working with the them.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now