44 | Lonely Hearts

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Halay watched her friends sulk in amusement as she listened to them complain about their time in the celestial world. She knew it was mean to laugh and she could easily sympathise with them but she just couldn't. Their reactions were priceless. Of course she wouldn't openly brag in front of them, inside however she was throwing a party of still being one of the powerhouses of the guild. Maybe even the strongest but she didn't underestimate her guild members.

"Can someone send us back in time for once?" Gray questioned himself as he face planted into the sand, his body limp.

"I wish I could." Keeri responded, her feet leant against a rock as her eyes stared up at the sun.

Lucy sighed deeply. "What are we going to do?" She asked.

"Princess, I may have the answer." Halay heard Virgo call out. She looked over her shoulder to see the celestial spirit with rope tied around her waist and large concrete blocks on her legs. "More blocks or maybe you should tighten the ropes." She suggested, a weird amount of pleasure in her voice.

"Just leave." Lucy commanded. Halay looked back to the group when she heard the blocks hit the ground softly.

"We've only got five days left until the games. How are we going to win?" Droy complained as he started to stress eat the food in his arms.

"We're not gonna win if you keep stuffing your face." Jet snapped harshly.

"It's not too late." Erza shouted as she stood up, clenching her fist as a dark aura started to surround her body. "We still have five day's to train. It'll be hell on Earth so prepare yourselves. You may not survive." She threatened as she pointed at her guild mates.

Keeri raised her arm weakly and replied, "Yeah no thanks. I'm good."

"Yeah count me out." Rose agreed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Gray nodded in agreement with the two girls. "I didn't live this long just like to die from a work out."

However, Natsu seemed more fired up then usual. "Sounds good to me." He stated as he stood up energetically. "Do your worst Erza, I wanna feel the burn."

"These people are crazy." Dimitri muttered in disbelief from next to the brunette. Halay felt a smile overtake her lips as she looked down at him, a knowing look in her eye.

"Welcome to the guild Dimitri. When I first met them, they were fighting each other." She recalled her first day in the guild, it was so long ago she nearly forgot. A bird flew around the two brunettes and landed softly on Dimitri's head. Halay stared in confusion. "Huh, bird whispers back." She declared playfully which made Dimitri snort.

Lucy seemed to notice the two and perked up. "A bird?" She questioned in bewilderment.

"Check it out. There's something around it's leg." Gray identified as he walked over. Dimitri shifted his head to see all his friends but a kind hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Stay still." Halay instructed him and he quickly obeyed. Gray managed to get the note off quickly and the bird flew away which freed Dimitri. He ran a quick hand through his hair to ruffle it up again.

"It's a note." Natsu observed. "A love letter maybe?"

"You could have just given it to me directly Gray." Juvia stated in her love sick tone which made Halay roll her eyes.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now