46 | It's Always a Game

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Most of Team B were still in shock at the announcement of a preliminary round. The task was to narrow down the number of guilds which meant this wasn't going to be easy, Halay knew this. Yet she was determined to get her guild back to the top again. Seven years she was working to keep the guild afloat, she wasn't about to let it sink at the last hurdle.

"What the hell are we waiting for?" Gajeel questioned loudly as he jumped onto the balcony railing. "Let's go!"

Without a second thought, Halay followed the iron dragon. Her magic jumped in excitement as they ran up the formed path, climbing higher and higher to the giant floating ball in the sky. She heard footsteps behind her and she knew that her team members were following. Halay was excited. Not only was she getting to fight but she actually had a valid reason too. She could fight anyone she wanted here.

The group arrived at the top of the magic path and leapt inside the large floating circle. Halay's teal eyes almost popped out of her head as she stared in disbelief. There were hundreds of paths leading different places but what confused her the most was the fact that it wasn't all connected. There were paths leading from the ceiling to the floor, paths form the floor to the wall. None of it made sense.

"This is even more freaky on the inside then the outside." She exclaimed as she span on a circle, her mind trying to figure it out as quickly as possible. Her eyes landed on her teammates who were just as confused as she was.

"So what's the plan?" Laxus questioned his fellow guild members and Jellal as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"We should start making notes of where we've been so we don't run in circles." Jellal suggested, his voice slightly muffled by the mask he was wearing.

"Good idea Mystogan." Mira nodded as she started to draw the area they were standing in. Halay would asked where the mage got the paper but it was Mira, she could have been hiding it in her massive skirt.

Loud noises behind her made her tense and she turned her head slowly to look. There was another guild only a few paths away from them. It would be easy to make it over to them. The question was, how easy would they be to take out? Her eyes landed on the pieces of paper the unknown guild had, three. The brunette frowned, they had to move a lot if they were going to get in the top eight.

Laxus seemed to notice Halay staring off into the distance and called out in a questioning tone, "Halay?"

"I've just thought of an even better idea." She announced vaguely as she waved her hands at them. "Stay here." She commanded before using her speed magic to move over to the unknown guild.

"We're supposed to be working as a team!" Gajeel shouted angrily into the air.

"Let her do what she wants." Laxus blew off Halay's impulsive nature, practically already used to it because of all the stories he had heard. Jellal watched as the brunette appeared behind the unknown guild and clenched his jaw. He was worried about her getting hurt but he knew she could handle herself. Nevertheless, he kept his gaze on her.

Halay appeared behind the unknown guild, her eyes landing on the guild mark, these five men where apart of the Bearded Dragon guild. A stupid name if you asked her. Then her eyes moved to the smallest man, he looked weak and definitely not fighting capable, he was holding the paper containing their map. She needed it. Now.

"Heya fellas." She announced her presence casually, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed. "How's everyone on this lovely evening? Or should I say morning." She gave them all a sickly sweet smile.

However, this didn't stop the men from recognising who she was. The fact that the Ring Master has become a lot more popular now was one reason. "What the hell do you want bitch?" The tallest man cursed at her. Halay's eyes were still on the smaller one, watching as he used some kind of space magic to make the paper disappear. This was going to be harder then she originally thought.

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