17 | The Dragon Chain Cannon

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Their movement was fast but slow enough so that it was comfortable for Rose. Her body was on fire and she was coughing up blood every time she tried to speak for long periods. She was leaning on Halay as they were walking through the ruins of the amusement park, noticing all the destruction that definitely wasn't theres. But at this stage, it didn't really matter. Halay wasn't struggling to hold Rose, even though she was quite heavy, however her mind was plagued with worry for her friends. Mostly the friends that had been sent to the lacrima in hopes of reverting back. She hoped they were having better luck then her.

"Hey, all the lights have turned off." Rose observed quietly as the entered a large open area. It was dark and the park lights had been turned off and it was silent, their footsteps were the only sound heard. "What do you think happened?"

"Let's go find out." Halay suggested as they rounded a corner. There sat a large red octopus that had melted into the ground, there were small grunts heard from the other side which made the two mages share confused and concerned glances. They shuffled over as Halay called out carefully, "Natsu? Lucy? Gray?"

"Over here!" The strained voice of Lucy called out from the other side. They quickly made their way around to see the blonde stuck underneath the giant creature with an unknown young girl trying to pull her out.

"What's going on?" Rose asked after a moment of staring.

"I'm stuck! Help me!" Lucy pleaded, her voice becoming desperate.

Halay looked around to see the ice mage no where in sight. It peaked her curiosity and deepened her worry. "Where's Gray?" She asked the blonde as she sat the red head down, leaning her against an abnormally large tentacle.

"He went off to fight that chin guy." Lucy answered before screaming, "Help me!"

"I'm going to go give him so back up." Halay decided out loud before turning her attention back to the red head on the floor. "Stay here, I'm going to find Keeri while I'm at it. Lucy, if she looks like she's about to pass out, slap her for me."

She soon run off, following the pink metal scraps she had found on the floor. She figured they belonged to Sugarboy. If that was true then Gray could need serious back up. However, it never occurred to her that the fire dragon wasn't there either, she simply assumed he was under the creature. So as she sprinted down the corridor, two boys entering her sight far in the distance, she panicked. "Gray! I'm here to ... help." She trailed off when she saw Natsu standing over Sugarboy's passed our body. There were ice shards all around them and they both seemed exhausted. Understandably, of course.

"Yeah, thanks but I got this one." The ice mage reply as he held the dragon chain key in his hand, smugly smiling at the brunette. "We got a plan to get our friends out of the lacrima."

"I'm down for whatever as long as it's not sexual favours." Halay replied which cause Gray to release a laugh. Natsu's eyes seemed to light up at the suggestion but he was quickly shut down by an intimidating voice cutting through their conversation.

"So I found you and it seems you have the key." Erza's voice echoed throughout the corridor which made the three Fairy Tail wizards look at her, almost in hope until they saw her outfit.

"Woah that's Erza." Natsu identified, concerned about all the scratches on her body.

"Hang on, something's not right." Gray warned quickly which made him and Halay stare a little harder at the teenager. That's when it hit them, that wasn't their erza. "That's Erza Nightwalker." Gray told them in disbelief.

Natsu gasped in worry. "I don't believe it. Our Erza lost?"

"No way in hell." Halay growled, not wanting to believe her childhood friend had lost to her counterpart. It didn't make sense to her, Erza Scarlet never gave up.

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