10 | Familiar And Unfamiliar

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It was cold. She was shivering as the freezing water lapped over her scarred and bleeding skin. Her teal eyes fluttered open as she groaned in pain. Her brown hair was scattered around her body, the only protection the her bleeding head had. She gripped the sand in her hand gently, feeling it crumble through the gaps seamlessly.

"Erza?" The young girl questioned, her voice scratchy from all her screaming. When no answer came, she pushed herself up and screamed out in pain. She gripped her side and found a small lump there. She fell onto her knees, unable to move on her own. "Erza!" She screamed out in alarm, hearing her voice echo but still there was no reply.

She let out a large sob as she used her arms to steady her falling frame. Tears fell down her face as her cuts began to gather sand in them, making them burn. The salt water lapping her legs didn't help the stinging either. Through her crying, she failed to hear the pounding of small feet that grew as they approached her.

"Are you okay?" The young boy asked in concern, having heard the pain filled screams that filled the night sky. He placed his small hand on her shoulder which caused her to look up at him. Through her tears, she saw blue hair and a red mark and somehow she knew who it was immediately.

"Jellal?" She whispered in disbelief which cause shock to fill the young boy's body. She let out another large sob as she thought of all the bad things her friend had done to her and her friends. "Why did you change?" She questioned him as she hugged him tightly.

Her grip with deathly and nothing he had ever felt before but she was trembling so much that it could shake the earth. She was scared but wasn't scared of him. A small blush creeped onto the boy's cheeks as he watched the girl cry into his chest. We could only wonder what she had gone through and in time, he would find out but in this moment, he had no idea what to do. Then it hit him, he remembered something he had seen in the town.

"Come on." He muttered, pulling her up gently. He wrapped a arm around her waist and helped her to walk. She had a limp and it was obvious to him as he walked slowly. She let out a sharp gasp every time her bare foot hit the concrete, the small stone cutting her feet more then they already were. The sand in her wounds was painful but it had stopped the bleeding but that was the only positive. The boy hated the silence. "What's your name?" He asked her softly.

"Halay." The girl replied with a sniffle as she wiped her eyes with her dirty hand. The boy gently brushed off a lone tear from her cheek as they stopped on some grand stairs. She yawned as he let go of her, she wobbled but managed to stay upright. "What is this place?" She asked him but when she turned he was not longer there. She hiccuped as she stared out into the empty street. "Jellal?" She whispered quietly, unable to admit that he wasn't there but he wasn't. She dreamt it all.

The door behind her swing open and a large man stood there. He stopped and stared at her in shock then he noticed the cuts, bruises and tattered clothing and immediately grew worried for the girl.

"Where are your parents sweety?" The man asked, the girl started to cry again and hugged the man's leg for comfort. She would later find out that this was the master of the Blue Pegasus guild, the guild that she would stay in for seven years.

Halay ripped here eyes open as she woke up in a deep sweat. She sat up and took in her surroundings, she was at home. Her home. She sighed deeply as her hand gripped the sheets that were over her. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but think back to her dream or her memory if you wanted to get specific. It was the first time she thought she was crazy.

She stumbled out of her bed, combing her hair as she tried not to think about the dream. She pulled on her clothes for the day, her jacket was in the wash but she still had her shirt - swapping out the trousers for tight jeans. She wondering into the living room, a small yawn escaping her lips as she spotted a note on the table.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now