04 | Jellal

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Halay rushed towards her old friend and grabbed his head before it could hit the floor. Her hands tightened around Jellal's jacket as she held him up from the dirty floor. "You can't do this! Idiot. You listen to me very carefully! You don't get to die, unaware of everything and everyone you've hurt. You have to apologise, not just to me but everyone! Erza, Wally, Millianna, Sho, everyone in the Tower of Heaven, anyone you've ever hurt! You have to own up to the guilt you have, you have to live with it everyday! Death is the easy option! Own your guilt and live! Jellal please!" She screamed as her chest began to ache. Tears filled up her eyes and slowly started to fall down her face.

"Halay." Jellal spoke softly, a pained smile on his lips. A hot tear landed on his cheek which made him stare into her eyes, watching well up with pure emotion. "Don't cry, there is no reason to. You're a good person."

"No I'm not." She whispered, hoping no one heard her. The two males unfortunately heard her. She wiped her eyes violently before shouting out, "Jellal, you have to pull yourself together. I can't lose you again!"

"What could be the meaning of all this foolishness?" A cold, demanding voice cut through the panic and rising tension. Halay's guard went up immediately and Jellal silently watched as her face became cold again. Erza gripped her sword as she and the brunette watched as Brian walked towards them, swinging his staff intimidatingly.

Cobra looked to his master and muttered. "He's back."

"A magic circle of self-destruction?" Brain questioned as he neared the white light in front of him, his voice hiding the confidence with confusion.

"This is Jellal's doing." Cobra snapped, sending a hateful glare towards the dying blue haired mage. "We've gone through all this trouble to bring about Nivanah and this idiot is trying to destroy it."

"Spare the hysterics." Brain replied immediately, silencing the snake charmer who blinked in slight fear. "I don't answer to the name Brain by chance. Do you know how I came to be called that?"

"Because you have an abnormal sized ego that doesn't fit into you head?" Halay questioned sarcastically without missing a beat. Cobra chocked from holding back his laugh but it didn't stop a small smile fall onto the red head and the blue haired warriors next to her. Halay desperately wanted to smirk but she knew now was not the time nor the place to do it.

Brain ignored the girl's remark. "I once worked at the Bureau of Magic Development. During my time there, I produced hundred of spells including those that were designed to bring destruction such as this one. I still hold that knowledge to this very day. In fact, I was the one who taught you how to use them. Or have you forgotten Jellal?" He sent a glance to the boy on the floor and smirked at the sight. "So it seems he's placed himself under one as well. He intended to take the disarm code with him to the grave, does he?"

"I don't think he's going to travelling down memory lane with you Brain." Cobra cut in before Brain could get angry without a real reason to. "Sorry but it looks like that Ethernano whacked it all out.

"Is that so?" The mastermind chuckled. "How comical. We have no further need of his assistance. I know how to nullify this magic circle, quite simply."

Brain smirked as he looked at the growing purple circle. He lifted his arm and suddenly a cracking sound overlapped the wind. Everyone stared with wide eyes as the circle of destruction began to break and soon shattered into a million pieces. This caused the one on Jellal's chest to break with it which made him take deep breaths. Halay clenched her jaw as she glared at the man.

"No!" Erza screamed in protest as she requipt her sword into something stronger. Jellal sat up and gripped Halay's arm, she stared down at him in shock.

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