09 | Five Seconds

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"We've been sat out here for hours!" Rose complained as she crossed her arms over her chest. She shivered as she hugged herself, watching as the sun disappeared behind the mountain, the sky turning pink before going dark. "Can't we go and beat them up?"

"It's been ten minutes." Keeri replied as she kept her eyes on the small house. She was sat behind a large tree with Rose and Reed while Halay sat watching from another. They had been waiting for someone to show up and it felt like they were waiting for hours.

"Besides, we were specifically told not to engaged." Reed added as he stood next to the red head. "We'd be purposely going against the man's wishes and we wouldn't get paid."

"That's sucks." Rose grumbled as she shivered, the sun finally setting and the moon shining brightly.

Halay hide her small smile as she listened to her friends yapping but she was slightly amused. Out the corner of her eye she saw a young man quickly walking towards the base. His eyes were wide and looking for attackers and his posture was closed off. He was expecting an attack do Halay figured why wouldn't she give it to him. Sure, she would break the rules but something was wrong with this job.

"Bingo." She whispered as she pressed her hand gently against the grass. Keeri seemed to notice the movement coming from the brunette and started to protest immediately.

"Wait Halay!"

A wall of flames shot up from the floor and scrambled in front of the walking man. He jumped back in shock, the red flame reflecting in his eyes. Halay walked towards the man, feeling the heat on her side as her ringed fingers twitched. "Who do you work for?" She questioned the man loudly.

"Like hell I'd tell you." He scoffed with a smirk, think he had control of the situation.

Halay glanced behind the man and couldn't help but laugh. She pushed forwards and violently gripped the man by the neck, letting the man dangle over the edge of the cliff behind where he was. "I suggest you tell me what I want to know or I'll throw you off this cliff."

"Go to hell." He spat at her.

"I came from hell, I'd only be going home." She whispered in amusement, loosening her grip slight making the man's hands fly around her wrists. "I'll give you five seconds. Five."

"You can't be serious?" Keeri yelled in anger as she and Rose approached the scene. The two had no idea what the girl was capable of and they had no idea she like violence.

"Four." Halay stated as she ignored her friends. She released in figure from his neck and the man's body tensed as he started to figure out that she wasn't joking.

"You'll kill him." Reed shouted at her.

Halay sighed. "I'm bored." She moved to release her hand but the man gripped it tightly so it stayed there.

"Wait! I'll tell you." She smirked and dropped the man onto the floor. He caught his breath and looked up at the brunette's expecting face. "The Serpents have been in a gang fight for over 20 years which was long before I joined. We heard a rumour that the other gang was taking hostages so we broke in and saved them all, accidentally killing the leader's son. That sparked a war and it's been raging for three months."

Halay crouched down in front of him which made him shuffle back slightly. "Who's the other gang?" She questioned curiously.

"The Chameleons." The man gulped in fear.

"What's with the weird names?" Rose muttered to herself as she listened and tried to retain the information but was unsuccessful.

"The Chameleons have been on the magic council's radar for years but they were never able to catch them. Same with the Serpents." She told the mages as she recalled a conversation Master Bob had that her and Hibiki eavesdropped on. "Where ever you find one, you find the other."

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now