Chapter Thirteen

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Part 2: Civil War

Lana's POV

No. No, this can't be happening.

"She...she- what?" I ask, worry dripping from my voice.

I don't wait for an answer, instead I bust through the door to see Kamron. She looked terrified as she frantically asked a nurse questions.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"Stark tower." The nurse said kindly.

"Ho-how did I get here? I don't remember anything."

"Kamron?" I ask, my voice braking.

She looks at me, along with the nurse, with eyes that have grazed over me a thousand times, but her expression looks like this is the first.

"Who?" She asked.

I was about to break. My best friend, my sister, didn't even know who I was, who she was.

"I-I'm sorry," I say, "wrong room."

I run out, the tears now falling. Peter catches me into a hug and holds me tight as I cry.

From the moment we met, Peter was always like a big brother, even though he was only two weeks older.

"I've lost her, Pete," I sobbed, "she's gone!"

"Shhhh," He cooed, "we'll get her back. Whatever it takes."

I continued to sob for what felt like hours. I'm pretty sure I passed out from exhaustion, because I woke up as Peter carried me to my room. I waited until he set me on my bed to say anything. He started to get up to leave, but I grab his arm. We lock eyes, and I study his face. His eyes were red and swollen, he had white streaks on his puffy, flushed cheeks, and his hair was tousled in different directions.

"Sit." I say, sitting up myself.

He does and I lay my head on his shoulder as we both stare blankly at my door. I loved our platonic relationship, as I always shipped him with Kamron, even before they met. He's always been there for me when Kamron wasn't. The brother, or even sibling, I never had.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," He lies through his teeth, "You?"

"Yeah." I lie right back, "Are you sure?"

"No." He squeaked.

"Me either." I say, "Do you think she's going to be okay?"

He nods.

"Yeah, I think she'll be okay."

I could tell he meant physically she was going to be fine, but I knew he had his doubts about her memory, as did I.

"Are you ready to see her?" He asks.

"No. Not tonight. I don't think I'm ready for her to look at me like that again. She looked" I wasn't able to finish.

"Like she had no idea who you were. I know. She did it to me too." He tells me.

"Are we going to be okay?" I ask, rewording my other question.

He nods.

"Yeah, I think we'll be okay."


I woke up to my light being flicked on.

"Lana, get up!" A voice giggled.

My eyes shot open.

There she stood, her light brown hair tucked behind her ears. I sat up slowly.

"Kamron?" I asked quietly.

She scoffed playfully.

"No. Kermit the Frog!" She laughs, "we're gonna be late for training."

And she leaves.

"Kamron wait!"

She doesn't stop.

The room warped into something different. My old house.

"Look what you did." It was my Aunt's voice.

I spun around to see my Aunt and Uncle, Kamron, Peter, and surprisingly, Miles, standing there with ripped, bloodied clothes.

"You did this." Kamron tells me.

"What? What did I do?" I asked in fear.

"You could've stopped this." Peter says.

"But you didn't." Miles says.

"No. No, I didn't do anything!" I screamed.

I dropped to my knees and cried.

"What did I do?! Please, tell me what I did!"

Kamron walks over to my and crouched down to my eye level, setting her hand on my shoulder.

"Wake up." She says simply.


I shot up with a scream, gasping for air. I was covered in a cold sweat.

My door is pushed open quickly and Steve stands there.

"Lan? Are you okay."

I shook my head, biting my lower lip.

"No." I choked out.

He comes over and engulfed me in his arms. He sushed me like a mother would her crying baby.

Kamron and I would often joke that Steve was more of a mom than a soldier. He had that maternal instinct.

"Shhhh. It's okay. I'm here." He cooed.

"Its not okay!" I cried into his chest, "She's gone!"

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