Chapter Twenty One pt.1

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"I'm home!" Kamron yelled five days later.

Miles, Bleu and Peter came to greet her at the door. Kamron's face fell a little as she noticed Lana wasn't among them.

"Wheres Lan?" She questioned.

"Uh, her room, I think," Peter said awkwardly.

"Oh, okay. Well, I should go let her know I'm back, yeah?"

The boys sighed and shared a look.

"Kamron, maybe you should give it-" Peter started, but she was already gone, "time."

Kamron knocked on Lana's open door. Lana jumped a little before looking up from her book.

"Hey," Kamron almost whispered.

"Hi," Lana mumbled back.

"I, uh, just got back, just thought I'd let you know,"

Lana puts on a tight lipped smile and nods, "Ok,"

"Ok," Kamron repeats, turning to leave before stopping, "You know what, no."

She turns back to face a confused Lana.

"What?" Lana asked.

"No. You- you are my best friend and I get you're pissed at me for choosing Steve over you, but that wasn't it. I chose him because we had a mutual belief that we felt strongly in that we both felt we had to take action on. Look, we can have different opinions that the other doesn't agree with, that's just how life works. The past few weeks have been hell knowing you were mad at me and I just- I want my best friend back. I want my sister back because wether you like it or not, you're stuck with me!"

Lana suddenly lifted herself off her mattress and wrapped her arms around her friend. Kamron stood there for a second, a little shocked, before hugging her back.

"I'm not mad. I just needed time to process, but I shouldn't have shut you out. I'm so sorry, Kams." She said.

Both girls were in tears and they hugged each other harder. Kamron was the one who pulled away.

"So, spill the tea about the past couple of weeks."


Bleu wanders aimlessly through the long halls of Stark Tower, mostly confused.

"Yeah, this place takes a little while to get used to."

Bleu turns around to Tony standing there.

"Its way bigger than I'm used to," She says.

"I bet," He smiled, "I, uh, I think the others are gonna do a game and movie night, you-"

Tony was cut off by Lana and Kamron running in laughing.

"Bleu! We're were looking for you," Kamron said, grabbing Bleus arm.

The girl laughed a little. She loved how accepting the team was, and the fact that they treated her like a long time friend.


"Yahtzee!" Lana exclaimed.

"I don't think I understand this yet," Bleu said.

The five laughed and watched movies all night, and much to the boys annoyance, Lana and Kamron made them watch the How to Train Your Dragon movies.

"I don't think they'd be a good couple, to be honest," Bleu said, talking about Hiccup and Astrid as they watched the first film.

Lana gaped and Kamron playfully threw a pillow at her.

"How dare you!" Kamron said.

Bleu and the boys laugh.

"I kinda agree," Peter smiled.

Kamron had never noticed before, but one of Peter's eyebrows stuck upwards more than the other.

"Y'all suck."

During the second movie, Bleu changed her opinion as they watch Astrid braid Hiccup's hair.

"Okay, I take it back. They're freaking adorable."

"Eh," Miles said.

Land noticed how his head cocked to the side a little, like a puppy. It was kinda...cute.

Kamron's phone rang as the third movie ended. Daisy Johnson's caller ID flashed over her screen.

"I'll be right back."

She walked into her room and shut the door behind her.

"Ava, lock the door and sound proof my room, please." She clicked to the accept button on her phone, "Hello?"

She was met with a sniffling nose on the other end.

"Daisy? What's wrong?"

"I-its Lincoln."

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