Chapter Seventeen

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Peter's POV

Its about twelve in the afternoon now, and we are playing a good ol' game of "hide and seek".

"Kamron? Lana? Miles? Come out, come out wherever you are..." I taunted.

I wandered down the dark hallway, hoping to hear the girls giggle, or Miles trip on something. That's when I hear a sneeze.

"Oh shi-"

A closet door flies open and Kamron is now on her stomach on the floor.

"Damn it, Kamron!" Lana yells from inside the closet.

Lana walks out as Kamron stands.

"Its dusty in there!"

Lana laughs.

"Does that mean I win?" A muffled voice says.

We turn and face the living room. Miles climbs out of the ottoman.

"How did you fit in there?" I ask.

"Have you looked at me?! I'm a freaking twig!" Miles says.

Lana giggles, earning a smirk from Kamron and I.

"What? It was funny," Lana defends.

"Not really," Kamron says, itching her head as she walks away.

She gets to the end of the hall and turns around.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm gonna do something stupid, please don't stop me!" She says, running to her room.

We run after her, but when we get there her door is locked. About 8 minutes later, her door opens and she walks out, completely ready for the day.

"Where are you going?" Lana asks.

"Out. Do you know where Tony is? I need some cash."

We follow her to Tony's lab, where he is sitting and messing with a piece of armor.

"Tony, I need to borrow 200 bucks." She says.

His chair swivels to face her.

"Borrowing implies you're going to give it back. Do plan on repaying me?" He asks.

"Nope. I'm broke as hell." She deadpanned.

Tony rolls his eyes and hands her his credit card.

"I hope you know the insanely stupid mistake you just made there, Tones." Lana says.

He just shrugs and goes back to his project. Kamron then runs out of the room and heads to the garage.

"Kamron!" We yell after her.

She hops into an Audi.

"Kams, you don't have a license!" Lana says.

"Yeah, but I have my permit," She says.

I facepalm.

"That's different." Miles says.

She shrugs, shutting the door and driving away.

I sigh, and Lana rolls her eyes, walking back to the livingroom.

About five hours later, Mr. Stark walks out, shaking his head as he looks at his phone.

"What's wrong, Mr. Stark?" I ask.

"Its Kamron. She just got a ticket. I'm going to the station to pick her up. Care to join?" He asks.

"That idiot." Lana says, going to her room, "I'll go get dresses."

"I guess we will too." I say.

Miles nodded in agreement.

Ten minutes later, we're sitting in Tony's car, driving to the police station. When we get there, theres a girl with shoulder length, bright red hair sitting in the lobby. She looks up, and I'm shocked to see who it is.


Kamron jumps up, only to be pushed back in her seat by a deputy. She grumbled, but stayed put. I could sense Lana glaring at her beside me. Not going to lie, that girl scared me a little.

Tony walked up to one of the officers.

"Hey, John, thanks for shutting the station down for me." He says.

"No problem, Tony." The man says.

I look at Lana.

"Hey, Uncle John." She says.

"Hey, kiddo. You up for dinner with us tonight?" The officer asked.

"Sorry, I'm kinda swamped at the internship right now." Lana replies, shooting a glare at Kamron.

Kamron is looking down at her lap as she picks at a loose thread on her shirt. I walked over to her and plopped down next to her.

"You know, I can't keep that promise if you're put doing something stupid, right?" I ask, looking at my lap.

"I was tired and irrational. I don't need anyone's protection." She mumbles.

"I don't care what you think about the matter. I made a promise and I intend to keep it." I say.

Lana then stalked over and Kamron snapped to attention.

"Okay, this only looks bad!" Kamron said.

"No, this is bad!" Lana says, "What if the guys who hurt you found you?! They obviously know who we are, we can't risk it! That's why Tony is keeping us at the tower!"

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I don't know what I was thinking,"

"You weren't," I mumble, eyes still trained on my lap.

"I said I was sorry," She growled, "and it wasn't entirely my fault. Tony willingly gave me his credit card."

"I thought you were online shopping," said a new voice.

I looked up to see Tony looking over us, Miles standing at his side.

"I stopped doing that when my shoes came Barbie sized."

"Well, I didn't know that. You have to know there will be serious consequences, Kams. You could've been hurt."

She stands up, suddenly full of angered confidence.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?! Do I seem incapable to you guys? One bump on the head and suddenly Kamron can't do anything on her own! Is that's how you guys are gonna be now?" She asked loudly.

We're all quite, giving her her answer.

She rolled her eyes and walked, getting in the front passenger seat of Tony's car.

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