Chapter 13: All I Need is You

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Thursday, the 4th day since we met, I tried to manage to borrow a car, for my dear princess, Rossanne. What a nice name!

I have not yet introduced myself even my name to her. But she already shared her story to me. What an amazing woman I ever have! She trusted me more being a stranger rather than her fiancee. What is in me which finds her being open to me?

When I was young and at home, I noticed people looked at me when I passed the road, especially the ladies. They dilated their eyes seems like they see something nicely. Am I really look good?

I am not convinced and am not that confident with myself. I only have with me a loose polo in white, brown and gray, and slacks of the same color, and black shoes. But when I am at the auto shop, I will just put my shirt off, showing my upper body.

Indeed, I do not look decent and clean. Her fiancee is very very decent yet she do not like him. But who am I for her to pay her attention to me and to befriended me?

Here I am inside the car of my boss. He's very supportive to me and wants me to find a love of my life. But he does not know that the girl I find fascinating is a star.

I drive slowly until I arrive at the theater. I saw her in brown dress, while me wearing in white.

I park the car in front of me.

"Hi Rossanne!" I greeted, winking."

"Hi! It's good to see you again! Right timing, I am done with my rehearsal." She then hurriedly come inside the car, at the front seat.

"Let's go!" She added.

She's really craving for an escape. I find her so inspiring and happy seeing me.

While driving, she is smiling while looking around, seemingly her first time to explore the city.

She said "You looked so lovely in white."
Getting shy, I said "thank you." blushing, then I added "You looked lovely too and youthful glow."

"Really?! Oh thank you so much for appreciating." Her sound of her voice conveys that it is her first time being appreciated by someone.

"Let me ask you, how did you know my name actually?" she asked with curiosity.

"I saw your name in the poster beside the entrance door of the Theater." I smiled at her.

Recalling something, she said "Sorry, I share so many things to you but I have not yet asked about your name. What's your name by the way?"

"I am Severus.... Severus Thompson." hesitantly said.

"What a nice name! Me, I will formally introduce to you myself, I am Rossanne Smith."

"By the way, we are at the car, I will just shake your hand." then she grabbed my hand and do a handshake.

I see her being childish at 23.

Then she asked "How old are you now?"

"I'm 24. older than you by a year."

"Wow! I think we'll be best of friends!" she said.

Then my heart gets hurt and feel sad. Confused if she find me as friend only. But I realize she's right. She deserves someone better than me.

"Wait, you pause for a while, are you alright?" she asked, worried.

I smiled to reassure her I am alright. Then we arrive at the destination. My favorite place.... the beach, where I can see the sunset and the sunrise.

It was my first time to be here with a girl. I bring her here, because I guess she love to see the nature and the horizon.

When we went outside the car, she ran as hurriedly as she can and turn around like a child feeling the breeze of air.

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