Chapter 3

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I called Andie asking her to come over for some girl talk. I meet Andie in the second grade. We've been best friends ever since. She was one of the few people that treated me like a human being. She also happens to be Phillips mate. There is a major downfall to our relationship. Her twin Paige.

Paige has always hated me. I guess she figured if her sister was Phillips mate, then naturally she would be Skys. She let it be known to anyone who listened, that I had done something to make Sky fall for me. That bitch is delusional. Every time she's around Sky she flirts with him. I don't even get mad. What's the point I know and everyone else knows that he doesn't want her. It's pathetic really.

I don't know how two people can look exactly alike but be totally different. Andie is a dream. Paige a nightmare. I keep telling people that that chick is crazy but they don't take me seriously. How many times can a person be rejected but still tries to get with the person that continuously rejects them. Wouldn't you have to be nuts to keep putting yourself out there only to be hurt? She needs to get over it. I can only imagine what she's going to do when I leave.

"Reagan, Andie and Paige is here." "Okay mom I'll be down in a minute." What the hell is she doing here. I thought to myself.

I walked into the family room. Sitting on the couch was my best friend and the spawn of Satan. They were both beautiful. With slightly tanned skin, long black hair, and green eyes. The only way you could tell them apart was by looking at their eyes. Andie had two different color eyes one green the other brown. Her sister didn't like that because she got more attention. I think I was more closer to Andie then her own sister. I guess that was another strike against me. Oh well.

"Hey Andie it took you long enough to get here. You live like two minutes away." I said laughing.

"I would have been here early. But someone decided to invite herself so it took longer to get over here." She replied.

"Paige good to see you." Just because I didn't like her didn't mean that I couldn't be cordial with her.

"I would say the same to you but that would be a lie." She replied.

"Then why did you come? When you weren't invited. No one wants you here. No one in this house cares for you. And if you came looking for Sky, he's not here. Even if he was he wouldn't want to see you. I'm his mate get that through your head. HE DOES NOT WANT YOU." Normally I don't get mad at people but she brings out the worst in me.

"This isn't over." She said getting up to leave.

"Are you threatening me? I don't give a shit what you can shift into. I'll knock all your fucking teeth out. I'm not scared of you. You want to do something, then do it." I said getting in her face.

She growled low in her throat. Like that was going to scare me I grew up with six wolves. I've heard worst then that. I wasn't backing down and neither was she. I felt someone standing behind me. I knew who it was.

"What are you doing? Are you challenging my daughter in my house? I am your alpha. You respect my family and my house. Whatever is going on between the two of you I suggest you fix it. Word of advice Paige, my son has a mate and if you can't accept it you leave me no choice but to send you into exile. Now if you don't mind, I need you to leave."

She didn't say anything. She couldn't say anything. The alphas word is law around here. She turned to leave but not before I saw a look in her eyes letting me know this wasn't over.

"Can you really send her into exile? " I asked my dad.

"Yes I can if I chose to do so. I'm going back to the office to finish up some work. Your mother wanted me to remind you that you need to make a list of all the guest you want at you going away party. Okay."

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