Chapter 4

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Over the next few weeks me and Sky were inseparable. 2 more days till the party, then the next day I'll be getting on a plane to meet my parents. Right now I'm hanging out with Andie at her house.

"I can't believe you got us banned from the mall again. What possessed you to do what you did?" I asked Andie.

"First off I told that asshole to back off. It's not my fault he didn't listen. I'm pretty sure he'll be walking right by now. That was like two weeks ago. Now he knows when a woman says back the hell off he'll listen. In my opinion he got off easy."

"Yeah you're right. I could have sworn I heard something pop. I never knew a man could scream at that pitch. I'm pretty sure people thought that was a woman screaming. Remind me to never fuck with you like that." I said to her laughing.

"What time is it?" I asked. "6:30 why?" "Skyler should be here in a few minutes. He wants to take me to dinner tonight. He's been acting weird these past few days. I don't know if it's because I'm leaving in a few days or what. I intend to find out tonight."

5 minutes later Sky was at the door. I said goodbye to Andie telling her I would call later. The ride to the restaurant was quite. I kept peeking at Sky from the comer of my eye. He looked nervous for some reason, like he wanted to get something off his chest. I hope it isn't something bad.

We arrived at the restaurant, the hostess showed us to our table. We didn't need menus we always got the same thing. Chicken for me steak for him.

"Sky is something bothering you? You've been acting weird lately." I said to him.

"It's just you'll be gone in three days and...I don't know it just feels weird. How do you go from seeing someone for almost twenty years and then their just gone. I know you'll only be gone for a few months....but it's hard. You know."

"I completely know what you mean. Yes it will be weird, but I know we'll be alright. Okay. Now stop being all dramatic and lets enjoy our dinner." I said to him.

Everything was going fine until I heard someone call Skys name. Oh god not this girl again. Well there goes my appetite. Why is she coming to our table. Dressed like she belongs on the corner. She's like a weed you get rid of them but they keep coming back. Maybe I should spray her with some weed eaters, maybe then she'll stay gone.

"Hey Sky, how are you?" She asked him completely ignoring me.

"Fine Paige, I'm just having dinner with my girlfriend." He said putting an emphasis on the word girlfriend.

"Oh I'm sorry, how are you Reagan?" Yeah right like she really wanted to know.

"I'm fine thanks for asking." I replied in my most sarcastic voice. I know she wanted to just get a rise out of me.

"Oh okay." She said to me once again turning all her attention to Sky. "I'm actually here on a date with Kyle. You remember him don't you. You guys used to be friends before the incident remember."

Why is she bringing this shit up? She knows that Sky can't stand him. When we were all in high school, Kyle and Sky were close. I thought Kyle was my friend until he started a rumor about me saying that I was a slut and that we had sex in the one of the bathroom stalls. Once the rumor reached Sky he was livid. Long story short Sky fucked him up and till this day I still don't know why he just lied like that.

"Paige why are you bringing up something that happened years ago. Shouldn't you be over there with your date instead of interrupting ours." I said to her.

"I was only stopping by to say hello. No need to get all bitchy." She said to me. "This is what you want Sky, she can't even act decent in public. You should be with someone who compliments you.....not this trash." She said to him.

Okay this bitch done lost her mind. "I'm trash huh... I'll show you trash bitch." I said getting out of my seat. By this time all eyes were on us. This chick is going to get me locked up.

"Didn't you understand anything that my dad said to you. You are fucking crazy. Is there something wrong inside of your head. You want Sky, go ahead ask him to be with you. I'm tired of you and your bullshit." By this time I was starting to see red. Sky must have smelled my anger because he was next to me almost immediately.

"Look Paige, you need to get over yourself and the fact that I don't want you. Nothing you say or do could ever make me want to be with you. I am in love with Reagan she is my mate. Not you." He said to her. I was standing next to him with a smug smile on my face. Ha-ha bitch take that I thought. I thought she was done but she wasn't.

"What's so special about her. Her own parents didn't even want her. She's a nobody. Unlike me I'm somebody. We would be great together, when you become alpha we'll run this whole town. You just need to give me a chance Sky. I'll prove too you how much better I am then her." She said.

Ouch that was a low blow. I was about to lunge at her but Skyler stopped me. "What's so special about her.....everything. One she doesn't need to belittle anyone. Two she may be a nobody to you but she's everything to me. And lastly I DON'T WANT YOU! Shit you must really be crazy if you think I would want anything to do with you after you disrespected my mate in front of me. Go back to your date before you really piss me off." He all but growled at her even I was a little scared of him and turned on. Who knew violence could be a turn on?

It looked like she wanted to say something else but thought better of it. She looked at me, I stuck my tongue out at her. I know that's childish but it felt right. She huffed and stormed back in the direction of her date.

"I'm sorry Rea all I wanted was to enjoy a nice dinner with you."

"It's okay baby, you didn't know crazy was going to be here. I appreciate you standing up for me. You should have just let me stab her in the eye with my fork. Then we could have finished our meal." I said to him.

"You need to stop hanging out with Andie." He said laughing. "Didn't you just get banned from the mall again?" He asked me.

"I'll tell you on the way home. This time it wasn't my fault." I said to him walking out of the restaurant hand in hand.

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