Chapter 6

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"Goodmoring baby it's time for you to get up." Sky said.

"Nnnooo I don't want to." I whined. "Baby your flight is in a few hours you need to wake up. I don't mind if you miss your flight. But I know you would so get up." He said.

"Fine I'm up, happy now." I am not a morning person. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"I'm a little sore but other then that I feel great. Last night or rather this morning was amazing. I thought you wanted to wait. Not that I'm complaining." I said. "You agreed to become my wife so I figured why wait. It just felt right to take our relationship to the next level."

"Yeah right you just wanted to give me another reason to hurry home. You think you're so slick." I said to him laughing. We were both quite. I was thinking about last night when it occurred to me...."Sky we didn't use protection. What if I end up pregnant? I told you I wanted to finish school first." I said to him.

"It's okay baby. I know we didn't use anything okay. I didn't want any barriers between us. Besides how often do people get pregnant their first time. If you are, which I doubt we will figure everything out. You won't go through it alone. I pledged my love to you all those years ago. A baby would only bring us closer. Please don't be upset." He said.

"I'm not upset. We're both old enough to know what could happen having unprotected sex. Honestly it's kind of exciting thinking we might have created a life. We'll cross that bridge if we have to. In the mean time I'm going to get washed up. I feel like I stink. Do I?" I said smelling my arm pits. Yeah I definitely need a shower, that man must really love me cause I know his wolf nose smells everything. I thought to myself.

He looked at me shaking his head and laughing. "What I've known you all my life. I'm not embarrassed to do unlady like things around you. Now are you going to continue to just sit there. Or are you going to help me get cleaned up?" I said smiling at him. "I thought you'd never ask." He said rushing out the bed to join me in the shower. Might as well get dirty and clean at the same time. I thought to myself.

After we were showered and dressed we joined the family for a late meal. It was getting closer to the time that I would have to leave. I was really starting to get nervous. I think I was having second thoughts about leaving. "I can't do this." I whispered.

"What did you say sweetheart?" My mom asked. At this point all the talking around the table stopped. "I said I can't do this. I'm scared okay. I don't know, maybe it's just my nerves talking." I replied trying to hold back the tears that was threatening to fall.

"Look at me Reagan." My dad said. "You're one of the strongest person I know. You'll be fine. I raised you to be sure of yourself. Don't start doubting your decision now. We'll all miss you and you'll miss us. But you'll be okay a few months for a lifetime of answers is worth you going okay."

"You're absolutely right." My dad always says the right things to calm people down. I looked at the clock on the wall. Shit it was time to head to the airport. Everyone was coming to see me off. Well only those that mattered to me the most.

The ride to the airport was quite. Sky was to upset to drive, so we just sat in the back seat holding each other. The ride there wasn't very long. I looked out the window noticing we were already there. Now comes the hard part. Saying goodbye.

With my brothers it was fairly easy. They were acting all tough like they wouldn't miss me. I saw them trying to hold back their tears. With Andie it was hard. Phillip had to take her outside cause she was so upset. And she says I'm the sensitive one. With my mom and dad it was a lot of be carefuls, call every night, don't talk to strangers. Basically all the things you say to a five year old. I'm going to miss them.

I didn't know what to say to Sky. I literally couldn't say anything. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just started crying. He pulled me into his arms. "Baby I'm going to miss you." He said to me I could hear the tears in his voice. I know he was trying to be strong for me, but it was just to much for the both of us

"I'll miss you too. I'll hurry back home okay I promise." I said to him. He grabbed my face between his hands. Giving me a kiss that melted everything away. We put into that kiss what we couldn't say with words. With one last hug, we let go of each other. I stood back looking at my family. I waved to them and started walking towards the terminal. Half way there I dropped my bags yelled Sky's name running back to him.

He must have anticipated what I was going to do because he caught me when I jumped into his arms. I just needed to hug him and kiss him again. "I love you baby. I'm going to call you as soon as I get there. I said to him. "I love you too. I'll see you later." He replied. Neither one of us wanted to let go. Reluctantly I let go first giving him one last kiss. I waved to my family again. Picking up my bags I headed to the terminal. This time I didn't look back.

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