Chapter 9 (Reagan)

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I woke up thinking I was having a nightmare until I saw my surroundings. I was in a small room. There was a small mattress in the corner, a desk with a chair and what appeared to be a makeshift bathroom. I think I was having a panic attack.

"Rea calm down. Freaking out won't help me get out of the situation. First thing first I need to figure out what the hell is going on." I noticed there was a door. It looked like one of the doors in a jail cell, you know the one they put people in for solitary confinement. So trying to get through that door would be useless.

"Think Reagan what would Maguiver do if he were here? I know....... shit I got nothing. Maybe I should go knock on the door." I said to myself.

I walked toward the door. Let the pounding begin. I don't know how long I knocked. Or asked if anyone was out there. No one answered me. Why is this happening to me. Are they going to kill me. I know I've been kidnapped, but I have no idea why. I need you Sky.

I walked over to the desk. There was a note. I picked it up and read what was written. What the fuck. I seriously can't believe what I just read. Basically the note said that I was to write my family telling them that everything is okay and I was to continue writing them unless I was told otherwise. If not I would be punished. The note didn't reiterate what that punishment would be.

When I finished reading the note. Hundreds of thoughts were running through my head. How long are they going to keep me here? Why am I even here? What about my family, what about Skyler. I tried to be strong but after all those thoughts. I couldn't hold it in.

I just kept thinking that while my family will think I'm okay, I'll be locked up in a room. I don't even know if we're in my birth parents house. I don't even know how long I was unconscious. I don't know what to do.

I figured the best solution was to do as they asked. I sat at the desk writing this bullshit ass letter. I basically wrote that everything was fine. I told them that my phone didn't get any reception out here. But that I would write a letter every other day. I also enclosed another letter for Sky.

There was nothing to put the letters in. I walked over to the door. "I did what you asked. I wrote the bullshit ass letters you asked me too. Did you hear me I'm done, still no one came to the door, so I decided to start pounding on the door again but this time I pounded out a beat and started singing. I don't know what the hell i was saying but it must've worked .

I stood away from the door when I heard what sounded like a hundred locks being turned. " who the hell do they think they've kidnapped." I thought to myself. When the door was fully opened i got my first look at my kidnappers. They were freakishly tall and big they had muscles on top of muscles. Once my eyes reached their faces guess what they were wearing masks, could they be any cheesier.

"Okay twiddle dee and twiddle dumb ass why in the hell do you have me in this crusty ass room. You guys are going to be so fucking sorry you ever decided to mess with me. Can you understand what I'm saying. Hhheelllooo. You know what I'm out of here." I said while walking towards the door.

I kind of figured that I wouldn't quite make it all the way there. But a girl has to try. I swear dumb ass #1 picked me up as if I weighed nothing. Apparently my gift of gab was not going to work. He dropped me on the mattress took the letter off the table walking out of the room. Dumb ass #2 lingered in the room staring at me I couldn't see his face but I could see his eyes. There was no emotion, all I felt was absolute dread while he looked at me. Right about now is when I would have something slick to say, but for once I knew to keep my comments to myself. After what felt like an eternity he left the room. Once all the locks was put into place I curled up on my side. I need to figure out a way of this shit.

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