Chapter 10

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10 (John's Point of View)

"...and then I kissed her," I smiled at Aubrey as I took a bite of the breakfast her mum made us.

She dropped her fork and smiled at me, looking like she was ready to explode. "You're not lying to me, are you?!"

I shook my head and laughed. "'Course not!"

She squealed. "You and Kaityln and me and George can go on double dates now! Oh, this will be so exciting! I can just see it now!" I could see the excitement in her eyes.

I took another bite of the food and looked down. "I feel like an asshole, though. Paul is in love with her, as well."

Audrey sighed. "I feel bad for Paul, quite frankly. He's loved her since I can remember. I just wish he could find someone." She looked away, her thoughts taking her to another place. "But she's loved you for so long, too. Most nights we'd stay up talking about you," she smiled. "Whenever you had a new little girlfriend, Kaitlyn and I would cry together." She laughed. "I'm glad you finally realized how perfect and amazing she is," Audrey smiled at me and took another bite of her food.

Talking to Audrey was always a wonderful experience. She was so kind and pure, you couldn't spend five minutes with her and not smile. She put everyone else before herself.

"Are you guys finished?" Audrey's mum asked as, joining us at the dinning room table. "I hope you liked the food, John. Our cook was out today so I cooked it just for you," she smiled at me kindly.

I nodded and smiled back. "Just wonderful, Mrs. Zimmerman. Thank you."

She smiled and asked for their maid to take away both our plates and clean them. "How are you, Johnny Boy? Still playin' that music of yours?"

I smiled. "Yes. And I love it just as much."

"How's things with Mimi? Does she miss your mum?" She asked thoughtfully.

I sighed. "Yes, we both do. It's been hard to get used to life without her again."

Mrs. Zimmerman nodded. "I remember when I lost my mum. It was the hardest time of my life. Thank Goodness I had Pete to comfort me then. What about you John, do you have a girlfriend?"

I looked down and smiled. "I realized last night that I'm in love with Kaitlyn."

She smiled. "Oh, I'm so happy for the both of you! You're all she can talk about, quite frankly. I think you two would make a lovely couple. You're such a wonderful boy." She patted my hand and stood up to leave us alone. As she reached the door, she turned to say another thing. "Oh, Audrey. I forgot to tell you, Michael has been calling non-stop since last night. I think you should ring him," she smiled and left us alone.

Audrey had a wonderful family, I'm actually quite jealous of her. Her mum is alive and well, her dad loves her dearly. Audrey has the 'picture perfect' family. Her dad is a lawyer, the best in Liverpool, and makes more money then he knows what to do with. Because of this, he has many affairs, he also drinks a lot. It breaks me heart to see Aubrey come to school and have bruises on her, sometimes even broken bones, but no one knows. Just our small group. If anyone knew, I think Audrey would have a break down, she loves being the perfect girl that everyone knows her as.

"Do you know where Paul is?" Audrey asked me.

I shook me head. "No, but me car's gone. Must've drove himself home."

Aubrey nodded. Something was on her mind, I could see it on her face. She couldn't hide her expressions well.

"What's wrong, me love?"

She bit her lip and removed one curler from her hair. "I'm not sure what to do about Michael."

"Tell him to piss off," I smiled evilly at her.

She laughed. "How long has George loved me?" She asked, now in a day dream mode.

"Since Kaitlyn and I have loved each other," I smiled.

Audrey giggled, removing more curlers from her hair.

There was a loud pounding on the door. Their maid answered, the loud voice of a man filled the house. "Where is Audrey?!"

I looked at the clock; it was 8:36 in the morning, I never thought I'd see Michael up so early.

He came bursting in, despite the protests of their small maid. "Audrey!" He yelled once he saw her. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do what I did. I was buzzed and-" I could tell he was somewhat still drunk.

She shook her head, not even bothering to stand up. "Leave my house. Now." Her voice was quiet steady, it was actually quite frightening.

Michael moved closer, feeling pissed off instead of sad. "Just forgive me!" He screamed at her, taking even more steps closer to her, his hands pounding down on the table hard.

Aubrey jumped in her seat. Fear was in her eyes. From what I saw on her facial expressions, this behavior had happened before from Michael.

"'Ey!" I yelled, standing up. I was taller than he was, making me feel like I was towering over him. "I think you should leave."

Michael threw a punch at me, aiming for my nose, but I ducked.

In return, I hit him in the guts, making him fall to the floor. He groaned but quickly stood up, ready to fight. "What, are you her fuckin' boyfriend now?!"

It seemed selfish, but I was protecting Audrey because she was my best friend, of course, but also because I knew that's what Kaitlyn would want me to do.

I threw another punch, hitting him in the eye.

Mrs. Zimmerman and the maid screamed, Audrey tried to pull me away. "John! Please, calm down!"

I was breathing heavily, leaning over Michael. My anger wasn't done yet, so I kicked him a few times, then leaned down to punch him more. Punching him made all my anger go away about everything in my life. It felt wonderful.

In an instant I was being pushed against the wall and handcuffed. A police officer read me my rights and then lead me outside.

Audrey followed, just as confused as I was. "I think my mum called the police!"

I was lead to the police car and pushed into the backseat. "I can't go to jail, Mimi will kill me!" I said to her before the car door shut on my face.

I sighed and rubbed my hands together behind my back. "Just when life was finally starting to get fucking good," I complained to myself. "Don't tell Kaitlyn!" I mouthed to Audrey.

Her face became slightly red and her eyes grew big. "I'm so sorry!" She mouthed back.

The police officers got in the car as well, getting ready to take me to jail.

I took one more glance outside the window to see Kaitlyn, Paul, and George had joined Audrey and her mum and maid.

More police officers had Michael, he was in 'cuffs as well, so I didn't feel that shitty after all. If I was going down, I was taking him with me.

The last thing I saw before driving away was Kaitlyn's worried face.

Just fuckin' great, I thought to myself. Another way I fucked up my life.

"We talked to that blonde girl," one officer told me, talking about Audrey. "She was worried. She said 'Kaityln is going to freak out.'"

I sighed. "This is fuckin' great!" I complained.

The other police officer spoke. "You won't be in serious trouble. We were there to arrest that other boy, he had stolen a car and hit someone with it last night. We just had to arrest you because you were hitting him."

I sighed in relief. "So I'll be let out soon?"

The officer driving laughed. "Yes. Don't worry about it, kid."

"Don't worry, Kaityln." I mumbled under my breath.

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