Part 1

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Lili's POV:

I was so tired, Ella had been up all night sick and I was tired both physically and mentally since I have been home every day since I had not acted in 3 years and a few months. I just wanted to do something for myself and make friends rather than hang out at home with Ella the whole day every day. It's not that I don't love my daughter cause I love her with all my heart and soul but I feel like if I don't get myself a job or at least a hobby, I am going to go into worst mental health than I already am. Besides being a stay at home mom is just not me.

L- " Ella, come here baby"

E- "Okay mommy"

Het little feet patted the floor as she came running in the room that we shared.

L-" take this medicine sweetie"

E- "Ew. It smells bad"

L- " it will make you feel so much better sweetie, you have to take it"

E- "Yuck. No way"

She crossed her arms and turned around to leave the room, she had quite the attitude.

L- "Gabriella Grace Reinhart do you want time -out?"

She turned around and ate the spoon full of medicine I was holding

L- " Now you need to rest for a bit since you barely slept last night, stay right here and try and get some sleep, please. I love you Ella-Bear "

E- "I love you too mommy "

I left the room and left the door half-closed. I flopped into the couch and opened my laptop to check my email and saw a red-letter email from my agent and so I opened it and read it. It was an audition for a show called Riverdale. I was asked to audition for Betty Cooper, the perfect girl next door that suffered from family issues and mental health and self-harm problems. I already liked this character and the pay was really good so instead of answering no right away I decided to think about it a bit more. And by thinking I mean:


My mom closed the tap of the kitchen and headed to the living room. Yes, I still lived with my parents and my sisters. I guess I bought a crib before I bought a house.

A-"Yes Lili? Did Ella throw up again "

L- " No, but I got an interesting audition, and I am actually thinking about going"

A- "It is entirely your choice but I am not sure if you are ready"

L- " Actually I feel ready to go back, I think it will help me grow as a person and as an actress. It will be a big role in a CW show so I bet that I will be quite known for it"

A- "wow a CW show! Can I read the email?"

I showed her the email and she read it. Reaching the end she gasped.

A- "is that number real!? if you get this audition you are gonna be a millionaire, and that character, she sounds perfect for you"

L- "mom don't freak out, I most likely won't get the part anyway "

A- " I know I'm sorry, I am just so proud of you for following your dream and going back to acting."

L- "Thanks mom, I'm gonna go call my agent and book it"

A- " and I am going to go back to washing the dishes, I'm proud of you Lili-pie"

I chuckled at the old nickname. Then I picked up my phone and I called my agent and she booked me an audition for the show, in New York, well I guess I am going for a little weekend out to New York. 

Please comment ideas I could really use some feedback  💞

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